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George Bushchan Speaks on 100 Games for Dynamo Kiev and Prepares for Match with Dnepr-1

keeper of Kiev”Dynamo» George Bush after training on Tuesday, he spoke about his 100 games for the “white-blues” in Ukrainian Championship and prepare for the upcoming match with Dnepr-1.

Georgy Bushchan (photo: fcdynamo.com)

How do you feel after the encouraging victory over Polesie? What is the feeling in the team?

– Everything is fine, however, I was a little sick before the game, so I spent the day off on Monday at home. The mood is not bad, but we expect that the fight for gold medals is still ahead. There are six rounds left, four points separate us from first place, but I think nothing is impossible, so I wouldn’t distinguish the victory over Polesye from others.

After the game with “Minai”, were you able to play this game better? Were there any complaints?

– We play in such a club that if you win with confidence, they say that this is a weak opponent, if you win with less confidence, they criticize us for our play. If you withdraw, it is considered a loss. I’m already used to this, so I’m philosophical and I don’t read opinions a lot. We won – that’s the most important thing. For each victory they give three points, so we played successfully and moved on. Let’s take a look later and see what’s wrong.

You brought the children of dead Dynamo fans to the game with Polesye, with the feelings you joined this activity?

– We have been supporting the charitable foundation “Tribune of Heroes” for a long time; It is a pity that the reason why the children came out with us was sad. We try to support them. I hope that the feelings they got when they entered the field will at least brighten their lives a little.

Did this encourage the players to play?

– Yes, he also sent us emotions and inspiration. We sympathize with all the grieving families. War is the big problem in our country, and we express our solidarity with these families. It is impossible to believe that this is happening in the 21st century. I take this to heart. Participating in this action gave me strength to win.

Have you been keeping track of your statistics? Did you know that the match with Polesye would be your 100th in the Premier League?

– No, I didn’t follow and I didn’t know about the 100th game. But I saw in a few games that I would play my 150th game for Dynamo in all competitions. If you take into account the time in which I played these fights, I think I didn’t play much. I could have played more, but, unfortunately, there were injuries and competition. I know I have to play two more roles to catch up with Alexander Shovkovsky (smile). Overall, it’s great to play 100 games in the Premier League. And there is much more to come.

You kept a clean sheet in half of those matches Are you happy with this percentage of clean sheets?

– We have to take into account the fact that I play for Dynamo, where the best football players in the country are gathered, which is why there is such a percentage of “clean” matches. It’s better to see what I missed, apparently something needs to be improved in this column (smile). In general, of course, it is very good to play to zero and win.

What game do you remember most from this time? Which one can you identify?

– I would probably highlight two games – this is the first game for Dynamo and the championship game, when we beat Ingulets and won the championship ahead of schedule.

Which fight do you think is not successful and which you would like to forget?

– There were a couple of fights that I would like to completely erase from my memory (smile).

Tell us what today’s training was about, what did you pay special attention to?

– This was the first training session in a weekly cycle, more for emotions. We were working in the gym and preparing for the main part of the training. Reservists had our own job. In general, we have two days that we devote mainly to exercise. So, everything is the same as always, we are going according to the usual schedule. There is no point in clarifying any new exercise.

What is your favorite part of goalkeeper training?

– I’ll make a joke: my favorite part is when the coaches say the training is over (laughter). I admit, we are all a little lazy.

The next match is with Dnepr-1, what do you remember about this opponent after the first round match?

– This is a good enemy. We are playing away, and it is difficult for all the teams there. We only think about victory, because we have no way back, only forward. I expect it to be a tough game.

In the last game, Dynamo lost very little, thanks to Gutsulyak’s goal, in the second part of the season”Dnepr-1“Doesn’t he look so powerful?

– Match from the game can be different, but against Dynamo every opponent will come out as if this is their last fight. This is how it has always been and always will be. Whether our opponent is moving or going through a decline, it doesn’t matter. I repeat, when teams go against Dynamo, they have strength wherever they find it, enough for anything.

There are rumors that the teams can play this match in Kyiv, or would you like to move the match from Dnepr?

“I think there is little chance of this happening. ” There are frequent air raids in the Dnieper, so you have to understand that we can play for a few hours because of this. I just want to play it safe until everything is fine.

This time the team will do a week long training cycle, is it more normal than playing twice a week?

– People get used to everything, and we are already used to playing every third day to the fourth. This happened to us both in the autumn, when we participated in European cups, and now in the tournament. It is better to play in this mode, because you are always on your toes, and there is less training (smile).

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2024-04-24 15:41:00

#Georgy #Bushchan #catch #Shovkovsky #roles

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