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Genshin Impact: Voted Most Popular Game of the Year on Twitter?

Bestimmte games are talked about a lot more than others, but which are the games that made the most noise in 2022? Genshin Impact seems to dominate all others this year and by far. Indeed Genshin Impact ein nicht took only the first place but also doubled the score of the second gamequite a success for the mobile gacha.

Genshin Impact and the most popular games on Twitter in 2022

fanzensus recently released the statistics of the games that players have been talking about the most Chirping in 2022. The ranking is established not only in relation to the number of tweets but above all to the number of retweets and the results may surprise you.

As you can see in this fancensus image by u/Devilmay1233, Genshin Impact takes the lead with 12,571 tweets for a total of 3,903,520 retweets during the census period. An extremely large number of retweets then compared to the number of eligible tweets. The comparison is even bleaker when the second-place game, Final Fantasy XIV, has just two thousand fewer tweets for only half the retweets. Comment explain this difference?

The success of Genshin Impact on Twitter

There is no secret to explaining this insane success, indeed Genshin Impact is well known for its Very busy community and even more so when it comes to the licensed characters. We can safely bet that the vast majority of these retweets are actually from included posts fan art and licensed character designs that Gewisse fans retweet en masse.

In fact, many artists have specialized in Genshin Impact to take advantage of the involvement of these fans who can’t wait to see their favorites in different Stilen and Situationen.

This type of choice is always extremely beneficial for games that keep the game alive on the networks even in times of low content, a form of hype from the community, for the community.

For more Genshin Impact guides and tips, feel free to check out our walkthrough of the game with all character builds, location of resources to collect in the world of Teyvat, and quests in each update.

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