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Genshin Impact acquired Ganyu. How to equip a bow and artifact? There is an answer here !!

Wednesday, January 13, 2564 AD, 12: 31 minutes, 57 seconds, Indochina time

After the coming of the half-kilin character like Ganyu Has entered the world Genshin Impact The whole world be it Facebook , Twitter Or channel Social They were all frantic. Which with a character that is so cute that many people are very fond of her, but there are many people who are confused that after getting a character like Ganyu It has arrived, but still don’t know where to mold her today. 4Gamers Will recommend the arrangement Artifact Interesting and useful for friends to watch.

Before starting, let’s just say that this is just a personal opinion. Aritfact Each person is not wrong, there is no right, because each person has an idea. And different play that Guide This will help to make a decision. And only pushes the mind If there is any misinformation, we apologize here too.

But must first mention that the body Ganyu It is a character with a bow that can be formed in both positions. DPS or Support They were all delicious. Because of Ganyu Then there will be an interesting feature 2 The main point is

1. Charging shot. Ganyu There are two levels and when fully charged. More arrows will be spread out. 3 shot


2. The promotion in each stage of Ganyu Will always get the same strength Keqing Which in the final, it will receive up to 117.5% Ever made the play to pressure the strength to tap. 200% With approximate crisac rate 50% Will be something that is quite the answer


– Selection of the bow –

For that author Think that if friends Looking for a bow weapon 4 Good stars and do not have to open the gacha at all, I would like to recommendำ Prototype Crescent With a secondary offset to increase the attack power used And can be easily done just by crafting only Or if you want something that is easier to find, it is recommended Sharpshooter’s Oath weapon 3 A star that will help increase the intensity of Chris to the next level. But if there is a thick capital Or there is already a selection Amos’ Bow It’s the best choice right now. But if going to play late Support Had to modify the bow, which would be recommended if it would be The Stringless That increases elemental skill damage And his ultimate, more powerful than before



– Artifact arrangement –

As I said above that the Ganyu That can be played by both lines DPS Or late Support Okay as well Which today the author will recommend it every line together And want everyone to decide which way to go It will be as follows


– Setting up the DPS cable –

1. The first set is easy to play. And the author is using it, but waiting to change in the future, that is

Blizzard Strayer twopiece

Gladiator Finale twopiece

This set is a set that focuses on play and easy to find, which the author has been positive. Artifact Just two Gladiator Finale Only, but the strength of the charging shot is almost touched 6,000 Ever


2. Another set that focuses on simplicity as well. That is a set. Wanderer’s Troupe

– by this set will be Wanderer’s Troupe all 4 Piece to remove the ability of a set that increases the charge attack damage of the character who uses the bow up to 35% Which if friends Able to hit the critical damage 200% And a high enough crit rate Let me tell you that the most compelling.


3. For the last set of DPS That will be introduced this time will be suitable for people who want to invest in building And focus on farms for Ganyu The most that the set is to put. Blizzard Strayer all 4 That piece !!

– For the protagonist abilities of this set, it will be a set. Blizzard Strayer all 4 Another piece that will increase the crit rate 20% When attacking an enemy affected by the ice element And if able to organize an ice team 2 Will receive a high total CRR rate up to 35% Simple design makes it possible to arrange Artifact The strength of the line. Without worrying about the rate of Ganyu It won’t be enough and will still get an extra cold damage bonus. 15% Let me tell you that this set is absolutely satisfying.


– Set up support line–

Setting Support This is suitable for people who are not good at using the bow character. Or have characters DPS That’s a lot enough to mold. Ganyu Keep in line Support The full format is interesting as well. With the following recommended sets

1. The tricky set of cables Support To increase the strength in a simple way

Blizzard Strayer twopiece

Noblesse Oblige twopiece

Which in this set will focus on the strength of the ultimate skill like Celestial Shower Full, let me tell you, if this set comes out nicely The strength of the falling ice could be so strong that it could even destroy monsters without having to call out to hit them.


2. One more set Support Interesting of Ganyu That doesn’t have to do much, that is, the set Noblesse Oblige All 4 pieces !!

– in this set will focus on Support Full form by giving Ganyu Out of the dead Celestial Shower And switch off to mix elements Whether it is electricity reducing armor, thawing fire, freezing water. It also increases the attack power of other characters. Within the team again 20% You can call it a great value !!


Hopefully Guide This one will be useful to your friends. In decision making Artifact Have lived for quite a while But for friends Who are reluctant to open up or not The author can only say “ Ganyu is another worthy character. And can be done easily and is extremely skilled Even if there is C0 “But if your friends It has an unwavering goal to keep Primogem For the characters in the cabinet that will come in the future like Xiao, Hu Tao or Ayaka It’s another story But lastly, I would like to confirm the same word that Ganyu That is very worthwhile, Mom !!

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