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Genocide in Gaza Whose side are we on? – PublicoGT

Miguel Angel Sandoval

On December 23, 2023, South Africa presented a complaint for genocide against the state of Israel before the UN international court of justice, for clear violations of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. 1948. It is fair to say that the Convention was signed by South Africa, Israel since its creation in 1948 and to date, by more than 140 states in the world, including ours. Furthermore, ICJ resolutions are binding, that is, mandatory.

Beyond the figures of horror over the Palestinian deaths that increase day by day, hour by hour, today the UN says that, in the Gaza Strip, 85% of the Gazans are displaced, that 90% suffer from insecurity food, 40% live in an emergency situation, 15% in a catastrophe. Half of the population is dying of hunger, and there are only 2.3 million Gazans.

For these reasons and many more that do not fit in this column, such as the expulsion of the Palestinians from their territories established since 1948, South Africa accuses Israel before the ICJ of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. That is why in a country with the history of South Africa that suffered Apartheid and under the leadership of Mandela national independence, now demands that Israel be condemned for the crimes mentioned.

It is for the same reasons that Lula da Silva, president of Brazil, points out the state of Israel for committing genocide and demands global condemnation of these practices, while at the same time claiming the right of the Palestinians to have their own state and respect for their rights. borders and self-determination. It is extremely important to highlight the fact that South Africa and Brazil, two states that make up the BRICS, are condemning the genocide and suing Israel before the ICJ.

Today we know that Israel and its genocidal policy in Gaza is isolated worldwide, that very few states defend Israel’s barbarity, including the US. However, it is now that the genocide must be banished and punished for what was done in Gaza and the beginning of this must be the unconditional ceasefire and the withdrawal of Israel’s occupation troops.

Nothing justifies the modern Holocaust of Palestine. But, in addition, the ICJ resolution must make it clear which side we are all on today, since the acts of genocide in Gaza are a slap in the face to all of humanity, they are a violation of all the international conventions that exist on matter and a load of horror for all countries that consider themselves democratic. This is no time for hesitation. The genocide committed by Israel in Gaza must be condemned.

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