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Genoa, the maxi beam of 100 meters: the new bridge grows where Morandi collapsed

At dawn on Tuesday Genoa got back the second section of the bridge over the Polcevera, that section: the part that on August 14, 2018 collapsed dragging with 43 lives and leaving the city broken and upset. In February, the consortium of companies working on the reconstruction had already positioned the first maxi-deck, but this special one, not only for the high engineering operations it required, but for its emotional impact.

The large 1,800-tonne span raised on Tuesday crosses the Polcevera stream in the same place where the Morandi bridge collapsed and it was impossible for those who witnessed the installation not to see the images of the tragedy, the cars crumpled, the white truck almost intact among the rubble, the van stopped a few steps from the void, the shock of the survivors and witnesses. The installation of this span has a very high symbolic meaning, commented Nicola Maistro, the managing director of PerGenova, the joint venture which unites the Fincantieri and Salini Impregilo group in charge of the reconstruction.

At over 40 meters high

To bring the deck (in very poor words, a maxi-beam 100 meters long) to the altitude, over forty meters high, the workers worked from Monday morning all night despite the rain that made it more difficult. movement on the bed of the Polcevera. First of all, in fact – explains Siro Dal Zotto, operational director of Fincantieri Infrastructure – it was necessary to lay the bridge overhanging the gravel using two trolleys with 80 wheels each, then lift the overhanging part with a trellis and slide it. The deck was rotated 90 degrees to bring it in axis with the pylons, then the lifting action with hydraulic jacks began overnight. Fortunately the wind did not rise, which constitutes the greatest danger when working with suspended loads. The launch of the span occurred with the first sun and now with a certain affection that the city speaks of the launching of the parts of the ship’s bridge, as Renzo Piano named it.

Renzo Piano’s project

The new stretch brings the skyline of the bridge over the Polcevera to measure more than 600 meters and begins to be visible, thanks to the wings of the structure, the hull shape of the ship that the Genoese architect wanted to impress on this project. A steel hull in the Genoa sky. The last 100-meter deck that will be positioned in the coming weeks will have to pass over the railway: each phase of the construction of the bridge poses new engineering problems. And the Genoa shipyard is also not exempt from coronavirus alarm. We are working in record time, said CEO of Fincantieri Giuseppe Bono, in this delicate situation. I assure you that we will rigorously adopt all the measures indicated by the authorities to protect everyone’s health.

The deadline by June

By June the bridge should be finished: the Genoa model with the appointment of the mayor Marco Bucci as commissioner is gathering many appreciations. This day, said the president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti, already makes us imagine the future, the images of the bridge tell us that we can do it and we will do it, just as we think about how to solve the problems of the present. The simple Genoa model: it means collaboration and loyalty between institutions, common objectives, taking responsibility, powers to do things.

March 10, 2020 (change March 11, 2020 | 08:05)


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