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Geneviève de Fontenay, her state of health at its worst? Her granddaughters reveal the whole truth

Geneviève de Fontenay no longer shows up. She has been the face and the prestige of the Miss France pageant for many, many years. Alongside her husband, she shapes what is still today one of the most popular contests for the French public. But in , at 83, she retired. Indeed, Geneviève de Fontenay officially announces that she is withdrawing from all beauty contests. However, it was very dear to her heart to perpetuate the memory of her husband in this function. Nevertheless, she declares that she no longer feels in her “element” in “this society”. Objection took news of this great lady on the Web. A recent interview with his two granddaughters is making headlines. We therefore started looking for information on Geneviève de Fontenay’s state of health.

Geneviève de Fontenay is too stubborn? She would neglect her health despite the advice of her granddaughters

Adèle and Agathe are the daughters of Xavier Poirot, the youngest son of Geneviève de Fontenay. These young ladies are very close to their grandmother and apparently find that she can be annoying. In any case on a very specific point concerning his health. Indeed, in an interview they gave to France Sunday, Adèle and Agathe bitterly regret a decision made by Geneviève de Fontenay which worries them. It turns out that the former president of the Miss France Committee does not want to be vaccinated! At 88, however, it is necessary to go through this to avoid the worst. The pandemic is in full swing and for over a year now. It has been proven that people with Covid-19 have very little chance of coping when they are over 70 years old.

But Geneviève de Fontenay apparently does not want to receive this injection. She believes that the world does not yet have enough perspective to really estimate the risks and benefits of such a procedure. In addition, as she has never been infected to date, she considers that it is indeed a risk to be vaccinated. Despite her granddaughters’ requests, she would remain convinced that she did not need this injection. Decidedly, Geneviève de Fontenay remains stubborn even at 88 years old.

On , at 83, she was retiring and it was creating a buzz in the media. She declared that she no longer feels in her “element” in “this society”. His words have, as always, aroused heated controversy. There again, the stubbornness of Geneviève de Fontenay was reproached to him. But she always made sure to follow through on her convictions, even if it meant having a vehement tone at times. Moreover, his granddaughters reminding that their grandmother no longer hears very well. So it is important not to take offense when she raises her voice. On the other hand, Objection is not sure that his granddaughters share his positions on the Charlie Hebdo affair, but that is another matter.

A health of iron and a head of wood

Geneviève de Fontenay is forced to keep pace with the health crisis. If she regrets not spending so much time close to her family, she does not therefore consider the vaccine as a priority. Her granddaughters, Adèle and Agathe, will continue to try to change her mind. But if they succeed, Objection dares to imagine that they will be the only ones to achieve this feat. Indeed, Geneviève de Fontenay is not the type to let her judgment be influenced by anyone or anything. Yet her granddaughters say it costs her not to be able to be as surrounded as she would like.

Whatever their grandmother’s decisions, Adèle and Agathe will never turn their backs on her. The bond that unites them seems very strong and even unwavering. Through Geneviève de Fontenay’s Instagram account, it is easy to see how much she adores her granddaughters. Let us cross our fingers so that this boundless affection can make the former president of the Miss France Committee decide to be vaccinated. Otherwise, let’s cross them so that she escapes Covid-19 until an effective treatment is found. Indeed, these are the only options left to their grandmother if she refuses the vaccine.

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