Every year, the Film Festival and International Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH) is one of the most interesting events in Geneva, and this will again be the case in 2024, from March 8 to 17. It is intended to be a platform for debates facing the United Nations, and thinkers, activists, and filmmakers meet there to discuss the burning issues of the moment.
The opportunity to find, for example, the interventions of the American whistleblower Chelsea Manning.
Casually, over the years, the FIFDH has also built up quite a media library of resources, where dozens of documentaries or debates are accessible free of charge online, with a new website. In short, a great platform, both for schools or NGOs as well as anyone curious who wants to know how the world is beating at the moment…
2023-12-02 20:56:25
#Geneva #Human #Rights #Film #Festival #puts #archives #online