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Geneva: The airport suffers a new snub in justice

Cointrin has been asked to cancel a tender. The Administrative Chamber considered that it was drafted in such a way as to favor a specific society.

Disowned by the Geneva courts, the airport will seize the Federal Court.
© Pierre Albouy


Clearly, Geneva airport is angry with the calls for tenders. As well as “Tribune de Genève” learned, the cantonal justice asked him to cancel the one aimed at awarding the market for the fight against bird peril, that is to say the prevention of aircraft-bird collisions.

The Administrative Chamber considered that this call for tenders was too restrictive, unduly favored the company currently holding the mandate and prevented the appellant company from competing. The judges noted that the candidates had to demonstrate experience in the field in an airport of at least 300,000 movements per year, de facto reserving the contract for the company in place. This is the second time that the airport has canceled this tender. He will appeal to the Federal Tribunal.

In the recent past, the airport had been singled out for the illegal award of security-related contracts to the company Securitas. (I f)

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