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Genetic tests help predict the risk of developing melanoma

Although doctors unanimously claim that a diagnosis of an oncological disease is not a sentence, hearing the news about cancerous formations has shaken the patient’s daily life and life as necessary. Regardless of the type of oncological disease diagnosed, it affects not only the patient, but also his family and relatives to the core.

Fortunately, recent medical and scientific achievements can be celebrated, as there are a number of genetic tests that can help determine the increased risk of suffering from cancer of various localizations and take measures that can help prevent the occurrence of an oncological disease. Among them is the most aggressive form of skin cancer – melanoma.

Genetic testing delays diagnosis

Dr. Natalija Kapitanova, a geneticist, says that we live in a time when, thanks to a wide range of tests, we can find out about a certain tendency to get one or another disease, which is a huge medical merit that improves the quality of life for millions of people: “Genetic tests, given during a geneticist consultation, can help determine the tendency to suffer from cancer of one or another localization.

A detailed plan of recommendations is drawn up based on the latest guidelines of the European and American oncological societies, which are updated annually.

Then the patient is actively monitored, various diagnostic tests are performed on him and, at his request, preventive operations, which allow him to live a long and happy life. The patient’s relatives also receive a recommendation to perform a prognostic genetic test.”

On his part, doctor oncodermatologist of the Laser Dermatology Center, Doctor of Medical Sciences Viktoras Sidorovas, claims that regular monitoring of moles and new skin growths increases the probability of detecting skin cancer in its first stage by up to 80 percent.

No special preparation is required

According to oncodermatologist V. Sidorov, genetic tests should also be done for those whose first-degree relatives, such as brothers, sisters, parents, have been diagnosed with skin cancer – melanoma. “These genetic tests do not require any additional preparation.

Genetic tests are performed after taking a blood sample from a vein, which is sent to a specialized laboratory.”

“Genetic tests are a fairly accurate tool for determining the level of risk of developing melanoma in the future, but it is important that the patient, even before taking these tests, receives detailed information not only about the interpretation of the results, but also pays attention to the emotional and psychological impact of the test, especially if high-risk mutations are identified,” notes the oncodermatologist.

Diagnostics – the latest technologies

Not only regular visits to the dermatologist, but also constantly improving technologies help to spot malignant moles or new formations in time.

There are already methods and extremely modern equipment that allows you to see changes not only on the surface of the skin, but also deeper, without a scalpel. This method of examination is called optical biopsy. In medical terms, this is advanced fluorescent videodermatoscopy.

“There are tumors that cannot be distinguished from a mole without a video dermatoscope. This is especially difficult to do while the tumor is small. In the world, there is one described case where, with specialized equipment, melanoma was diagnosed from a growth of just 1 millimeter in size. Our center’s record is a diagnosis of 1.5 millimeter melanoma on the patient’s face,” asserts doctor V. Sidorovas.

Check moles – from 15-16 years

According to doctors, you should check your moles and assess the risk of getting melanoma without waiting – this can be done already at the age of 15-16. At such an age, according to doctors, specific changes already appear, so doctors can identify potential risks in advance.

Genetic testing for melanoma risk can be done from age 18.

For cancer patients, genetic testing often paves the way to innovative treatments, good treatment outcomes, and long disease-free lives.

They are important at every stage of the patient’s treatment, when choosing drugs or deciding on the extent of surgery. It also provides an opportunity to examine the patient’s relatives and take care of their own health.

How to prevent melanoma

However, regardless of the fact that it is possible to carry out genetic tests and determine earlier the tendency to suffer from one or another form of oncological disease, it is necessary to form appropriate lifestyle habits from an early age.

As geneticist N. Kapitanova says, melanoma is a multifactorial disease and is definitely not always determined by genetics, so she urges you to pay attention to your daily routine: “First of all, you should protect your skin from the sun, avoid tanning, use SPF cream, and don’t forget to protect your head , sunglasses, and cover the body with clothes of natural fabric, with longer sleeves.

Those with a higher risk of developing melanoma should not forget that it is necessary to use these measures not only in Lithuania, but especially when traveling to warm countries, where the sun is even more intense,” advises Dr. N. Kapitanova.

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– 2024-04-01 16:05:06

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