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Genetic counseling is important if you have a family history of breast cancer

Lily’s mother and sister died of breast cancer.

“I always felt like, sooner or later, I was going to get a Big C too,” says Lilly. “It was only a matter of time”.

In 2019, he signed up for a genetic test at a health center.

“I don’t know how many genes were tested,” he recalls, “but the results were really bad.”

An overnight test came back positive for many genes, from breast cancer to pancreatic cancer, and no further advice was given on what to do.

“I thought the only treatment option I had was a preventive mastectomy,” he says.

Lilly consulted a breast surgeon who investigated her results.

“I was very surprised because, according to the surgeon, if the above results were correct, I would not think twice!” He shouted.

The surgeon recommended a second genetic test, using a smaller targeted gene set, this time with genetic counseling.

Lilly was surprised that the results were negative for any genetic changes that put her at risk of developing breast cancer.

“Even though I didn’t shed a tear when my test result came back positive the first time, they just drugged me,” she recalls, “when the breast cancer test came back negative the second time, I cried.”

If Lilly had a preventive mastectomy, her risk of breast cancer would drop to less than one percent. But after genetic counseling, she was very relieved – she didn’t really need the surgery.

“Of course, I still need to get tested, but now I realize that getting a DNA test with genetic counseling is very important because it helps me understand what the results mean and I can make more informed decisions,” he says.

The director of the University of Malaya Cancer Research Institute, Professor Dr. Noor Aisha Muhammad Tayeb, says that genetic testing is already being done in clinical work in Malaysia, but people should be careful about the tests they do. and discuss them with expert and experienced physicians, such as physicians. . Geneticists, breast surgeons, gynecologists, and oncologists.

The scientific director of cancer research in Malaysia, Professor Datin Paduka, Dr. Teo Soo Huang, says that genetic counseling provides women with information about what genetic testing is and what it entails, the consequences of having a genetic risk for cancer. health and insurance. opportunities to pass it on to children and what can be done about it.

“There may be many labs that sell genetic tests, but some are not accurate and can be used incorrectly, leading to women getting false information about their actual cancer risk, so it is important to seek the advice of a genetic counselor and a qualified physician to obtain the correct type, from genetic testing and accurate results, ”says Dr. Teo.

The Cancer Research Malaysia currently operates a hotline (Tel: 012-3747426, 012-3684742, 012-5484742 or 016-3634742) for genetic counseling that patients or healthy people with cancer care in their families can contact.

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