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Generous Donation Pays for Treatment of Burn Victim Walaa

A donor paid 20,565 dirhams for the treatment of the patient, Walaa, who suffers from burns and deformities in her body.

And the “hotline” coordinated between the donor and the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai, to transfer the value of the donation to the hospital where the deformities are being treated.

And “Emirates Today” published on the 27th of last month the story of “Wala’s” suffering, due to her inability to secure the cost of her treatment, given the poor financial and health conditions she is going through. The 30-year-old (Sudanese) patient suffered severe burns in her body as a result of a cylinder explosion Gas.

A medical report confirmed that she needs medicines and treatments that cost 20,565 dirhams, but her family’s poor financial capabilities prevented her from securing this amount.

And Walaa appealed to those with compassionate hearts to help her pay the costs of her treatment.

Regarding the details of the accident that she was subjected to, Walaa told Emirates Today: “My husband and I were in the house, and we discovered that there was a smell leaking from the gas cylinder. There was a leak in the pipe connecting the cylinder and the stove, so my husband repaired it, then lit the fire to make sure the pipe was safe, but the cylinder exploded on it, and it threw me to the ground because of the force of the explosion.”

And she continued: «My husband was lying on the ground in a serious condition, so my family called an ambulance, and when the paramedics arrived, they rushed to take us and him to the hospital, but my husband died of severe burns, and as for me, my injury was also severe, as I suffered first-degree burns in the hands and legs. I underwent treatment and stayed in the hospital under medical observation for two months, and after I was discharged, I began to suffer from severe deformities.

The patient expressed her happiness at the arrival of the donation to the hospital, stressing that the culture of benevolence in the UAE is one of the strongest building blocks.

She thanked the donor, appreciating his standing by her side in her severe suffering.

• It was found that there was a leak in the pipe connecting the cylinder and the stove. The husband repaired it, then lit the fire to ensure the safety of the pipe, but the cylinder exploded and Walaa was knocked to the ground by the force of the explosion.

2023-07-31 23:30:11
#donor #pays #thousand #dirhams #treatment #Walaa #deformities

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