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Generation Z Faces Epidemic of Blindness from Excessive Screen Time, Leading Eye Surgeon Warns

Generation Z is becoming increasingly myopic from staring at electronic devices all day long and faces an epidemic of blindness if they continue to stay indoors, addicted to their phones, a leading eye surgeon warns in a new report.

The rate of myopia has increased significantly worldwide, with a 46% increase in UK over the past three decades, according to the Daily Mail.

In the US, a California study shows that myopia has increased by 59% among teenagers.

Generation Z faces increasing risks of developing serious vision problems, even blindness, after missing out on exposure to natural light during puberty, the source reports.

Generation Z is becoming increasingly myopic from staring at electronic devices all day and faces an epidemic of blindness if they continue to stay indoors, addicted to their phones, a leading eye surgeon warns in a new report.

Myopia rates have risen alarmingly worldwide, with o INCREASE of 46% in the UK over the past three decades, according to Daily Mail.

In the US, a California study shows that myopia has increased by an astonishing 59% among teenagers.

Dr Joern Jorgensen, an eminent eye surgeon at Laser Eye Clinic London, warned that the situation will only get worse because Generation Z – people born between the mid-1990s and mid-2010s – are not getting enough dopamine.

In the retina, high levels of dopamine adjust vision for natural light conditions.

“What we are seeing is an epidemic”

Time spent in the sun increases dopamine levels, while staying indoors reduces the amount of this important neurotransmitter, leading to serious eye problems.

Meanwhile, the amount of time spent looking at electronic devices just inches away from your face can lead to nearsightedness.

“At a critical time in their lives, they don’t get natural light, which obviously causes a significant increase in myopia. It’s alarming and what we’re seeing is an epidemic,” Jorgensen told the Daily Mail.

“Going outside during the day to play soccer, sports of any kind, or just to play with friends triggers a chemical process that releases dopamine,” he added.

“We can encourage kids to get outside and do more sports, but we can’t reverse what’s already happened given the importance of social media in their lives,” he continued.

“The second damaging factor is the amount of close work young people do, which is also harmful.”

The expert warned that myopia can lead to blindness in severe cases.

The COVID-19 pandemic has kept children indoors and focused on screens, further accelerating the global trend toward deteriorating eyesight, according to a 2022 article in Psychology Today.

Studies in California and Sydney, Australia, found that time spent outdoors was strongly linked to a lower risk of myopia, according to the source.

It appears that young people are developing nearsightedness earlier due to increased screen time and lack of sun exposure – and not just due to genetic factors.

“Talk about [copii care au] age 4 or 5,” Dr. Maria Liu, associate professor of clinical optometry at the University of California, Berkeley, told NPR.

By 2030, according to the World Health Organization, 40% of the global population will suffer from myopia.

Holding a screen close to your face causes your eyes to blink less and overcompensate when focusing for hours on end – leading to gradual elongation of the eyeball and changes in the lens.

“It’s a very serious situation”

Severe cases of nearsightedness in young people also increase the chances of developing macular degeneration – a leading cause of blindness – by 41%, according to the Daily Mail, citing studies.

“Treating AMD (age-related macular degeneration) is one of the biggest costs faced by the NHS is a huge burden on resources,” said Jorgensen, referring to Britain’s National Health Service.

“A single injection of Lucentis, used to treat age-related macular degeneration (AMD), costs £1,000 and a patient must receive it every month or risk blindness,” he said.

“Severe myopia also dramatically increases the chances of developing other serious conditions, such as glaucoma and retinal detachment,” said the doctor.

“It’s a very serious situation, we see cases of severe myopia 30 times more often and it triggers the four causes of eye diseases: cataract, glaucoma, retinal detachment and AMD,” he added.

Dr Irfan Jeeva, from Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, said more and more young people are needing glasses due to exposure to digital devices.

“We still have a lot to learn about this, but there is enough data to make me believe that increased exposure to screens can affect visual health, mental health, physical health and emotional health,” Jeeva told BBC Look North.

52% of children spend less time outdoors than their parents as children

“Screens are quite addictive. They have an internal reward mechanism that makes you spend more time with them,” he said.

The Global Coalition for Myopia Awareness found that 52% of children spend less time outdoors than their parents as children.

Last year, Myopia Focus launched a petition calling for more fund for the NHS to treat myopia in children.

“Due to lifestyle changes, an increasing number of people are at increased risk of developing sight-threatening conditions related to myopia. This should no longer be considered just a potential threat – it is very real,” he said. Jason Higginbotham, an optometrist who initiated the campaign, told the Daily Mail.

“We want to put pressure on ministers to do something about this now. The earlier therapy starts, the less likely your child will be at risk of sight loss in the future. We need the government to act.” he added.

Liu, associate professor of clinical optometry at UC-Berkeley, urged the parents limit screen time and encourage children to play outside as much as possible.

“They need to play with real toys,” Liu told NPR. “It needs to participate in a real outdoor life.”

2024-03-07 01:52:30
#Chilling #warning #Gen #faces #blindness #epidemic #reverse #whats #happened

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