Home » World » Generation Why – life at the limit or I bought a pan again at the Phönix Theater from December 28th

Generation Why – life at the limit or I bought a pan again at the Phönix Theater from December 28th

LINZ. The play “Generation Why – Life at the Limit or I’ve Bought a Pan” returns to the Phönix Theater in Linz on December 28th.

After the world premiere and the first series of games in November, “Generation Why – Living at the Limit or I’ve Bought a Pan” is returning to the Phönix Theater in Linz. Restless, dissatisfied, quickly bored and indecisive – the picture of Generation Y seems bleak. The last generation before the turn of the millennium and the first who are actually worse off than those before. Millennials are a long way from owning a home, 1.4 children and planted trees. Your life goals are limited to questions like: Do the pottery class or the keto diet contribute more to personal development? Driven by the freedom to be and have everything, Generation Y does not manage to finally make decisions. Between the grandparents’ generation as rebuilders, the baby boomers as the affluent generation and the generation Fridays for Future as world savers, Generation Why asserts itself by answering the question: Why are we actually there? Yes, why not ?! And with that it is a huge step further. Or?


Di 28.12.2021, Mi 29.12.2021, Do 30.12.2021, Di 11.01.2022, Do 13.01.2022, Fr 14.01.2022, Sa 15.01.2022, So 16.01.2022, Di 25.01.2022. Beginn jeweils 19:30


Phoenix Theater Linz, hall

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