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“Génération Brut”, Pôle Emploi, WhatsApp, Spotify, French Football Cup, 3rd confinement …

Fri 29 January 2021

Mov’Actu is presented by Sandra, surrounded by her team :

The Screen with Manon

“Generation Brut” sure Amazon prime, the minidocumentary series that deciphers the battles of millenials. In collaboration with the media Brut, the series comes in five episodes.

The news feed with Armelle

*The agencies Employment center closed after the drama.

*Attention, a virus is circulating on WhatsApp !

*Spotify will adapt his suggestions according to our emotions, our age or even our accent.

TrashTalk avec Greg

The brothel of the 6th tour of the French Football Cup.

Check Info with Marion

The epidemic has calmed down in relation to our English and German neighbors, no need to re-define in France.

Monday to Friday, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., Mouv’Actu, with each day, Sandra, Manon, Armelle and Greg, who examine and comment on the news of the day and the latest trends. Each week, our reporters arrive with Raphaël to decipher a hit song, Emilie with fashion trends to marry or avoid, dive with Yasmina in hip culturehop, Geoffrey, the gamer of the band presents us the latest news and Marion for a Fact Checking. The show can be followed in live video on ne move.fr

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