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generates “uneasiness” and “discourages” people

The former president of the Republic and politician belonging to the Broad Front José Mujica referred this Tuesday to the possible new measures that the Executive Power will offer after it meets in a new Council of Ministers in Executive Tower. Mujica said that, given this new peak in COVID-19 infections, the government should give “priority to the recommendations of science” to take new measures.

“All the decisions made by the health authority must be supported and it seems to me that it is a time when politics has to give way to the recommendations of science. And I know that unfortunately this has a cost because all health prevention affects the issue economic, but it seems to me that we are in a case in which we have to choose between defending life and the economy. And it is a moment that, due to gravity, must give priority to the recommendation of science, “Mujica said in statements. to radio Monte Carlo.

Asked if he would agree with a confinement, Mujica replied that he “agrees” with the measures that the technicians recommend. “I have to take refuge in the objectivity of science,” he said.

On the other hand, Mujica referred to the current state of the pandemic in our country, where he stated that it “got complicated” and that the situation will surely continue for a few more days. In addition, he argued that there is obviously a “strong circulation of the virus” among the population. “We all trust each other too much and we contribute to lower our guard and now we are feeling the results. He is a formidable enemy,” he said.

In this sense, the former president criticized the vaccination schedule system because, as he said, “he has many difficulties.”

“There are difficulties with vaccines, many difficulties. It seems to me that the technicians should review the system that has been imposed. The bands are very wide, more decentralization mechanisms would have to be used, make lists in the neighborhood police stations and that list with a phone call people. There is a lot of unease because people spend hours and hours working on a phone to sign up and that discourages. The system would have to be reviewed, perhaps solutions could be found that make it easier for people to have a much more orderly attendance and less anxious because many people do not get vaccinated due to the difficulties that arise, “she said.

The former Frente Amplio legislator opined that, if agendas for ten-year bands are opened, there is a greater spectrum of people who will call. Instead, he proposed opening five-year bands to order more vaccination.

“Put things in order a little more because it is discouraging people. It seems to me that there is an organizational issue that may be able to find mechanisms that are facilitated. There may be other mechanisms, but it seems to me that it needs to be reviewed,” he added. .

Finally, when asked about how the government has been handling the pandemic, Mujica said that “there are many people confused” because “among so much information priorities are lost” and contradictory arguments appear.

“The health authority has to insist with little truthful information and have open mechanisms of permanent consultation because there is confusion among the people. Now it is going to be more confused with the issue of children, that cases of sick children are appearing and it is going to be confused more. Information is essential, but when there is an avalanche of so many things, it also gets messy because the sense of priorities is lost. But we have to get out of this and the only option we have is the vaccine and I congratulate that it has been achieved If a big game arrives, now the problem is to implement it, “he concluded.

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