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General Vannacci attacks “Repubblica”. Fnsi: enough hatred

Nineteen “dedicated” Facebook posts, 28 if we also add those of the retired lieutenant colonel Fabio Filomenapresident of the committee “The world upside down” and very close collaborator of Roberto Vannacci. In addition to numerous quotes in interviews and public speeches. The object of the incessant sarcasm of the general suspended from the army and now MEP of the League, mockery for the use and consumption of his fans, is the reporter of Republic Matthew Pucciarelli. “Guilty” of having written for our newspaper, on August 18 of last year, the first article on the book self-produced by the general and entitled: «”Dear homosexuals, you are not normal”. The outbursts of the Army general against gays, feminists, environmentalism and migrants». From there a media uproar broke out, with the removal of Vannacci from the leadership of the Military Geographic Institute of Florence decided by the Ministry of Defense. A media uproar then used by the general, until then unknown to the general, to build a political career. Evidently, however, the work of Pucciarelli, who over the months continued to give an account of the general’s “exploits”, went against Vannacci. So here are the numerous attentions dedicated to the reporter, albeit disguised with irony.

Upon the news of his nomination as vice president of the Patriots group, Vannacci wrote: “Thank you Matteo Pucciarelli! I thank you for the… Tenth (Xth) time! Without you and without Republic all this would be just a dream… And for some it would have remained just a nightmare”. “Thanks” with an attached reference to the military body considered a symbol for Italian neo-fascism, led by the putschist general June Valerio Borghese and author of brutal reprisals against partisans. “Pointing the finger at a journalist is a dangerous and irresponsible act,” says the president of Fnsi, the united journalists’ union, Victor of Trapani — Doing it repeatedly, with a campaign on social media, takes on extremely serious implications, which risk translating into incitement. The fake irony does not make the attack by the new MEP Vannacci against Pucciarelli any less disturbing. We will report the hate-filled posts and comments to the Observatory for Threatened Journalists».

#General #Vannacci #attacks #Repubblica #Fnsi #hatred
– 2024-07-31 09:30:32

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