Home » today » World » General Teplinski decided the outcome of the battle for the Dnieper – 2024-04-03 22:38:05

General Teplinski decided the outcome of the battle for the Dnieper – 2024-04-03 22:38:05

/Pogledinfo/ The operation of the Ukrainian armed forces to secure the left bank of the Dnieper is doomed to failure, predicts British military intelligence. The newly formed 104th Guards Airborne Division with the latest equipment is stationed in the Kherson Region.

Its formation was announced already in August by Colonel-General Mikhail Teplinski, commander of the Russian Airborne Forces.

With the appearance of the 104th, “Uncle Vasya’s troops” will have five divisions. This will significantly expand the operational coverage, notes the Belgian publication Army Recognition.

And General Teplinski will probably pay priority attention to the new formation, given the strategic importance of the 104th in the Kherson defense operation.

This division existed until 1998. After that, however, under the leadership of the then commander of the Airborne Forces Georgii Shpak, the division was reformed and reduced to a brigade. Teplinski’s ongoing reorganization also includes adding the 119th and 299th Airborne Regiments to the existing 106th and 98th Airborne Divisions, Army Recognition writes.

The Russian Airborne Forces are the backbone of the assault units, thanks to their maneuverability and elite training. Western experts estimate the number of paratroopers in the Russian Air Force at 35-40 thousand people. However, this figure may be underestimated given the pace of additional recruitment of contract soldiers.

Equipped with infantry fighting vehicles and their own artillery, including self-propelled artillery, airborne divisions are able to perform a wide range of tasks in the zone of special military operation.

The Air Force also includes special forces brigades. The overall structure of the troops provides high mobility and rapid deployment capabilities, making them a key strategic asset of the Russian army.

Army Recognition draws attention to the fact that there are no airborne forces in the structure of the armed forces of Ukraine. Ukrainian airborne troops are combined with airmobiles (rapid reaction forces that are transported by attack helicopters) and rangers.

Moreover, if the Russian Airborne Forces are built on a divisional basis, the Ukrainian Airborne Forces are built on a brigade basis.

With the beginning of the Ukrainian invasion of Donbas, several airborne assault brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were created (81st Airborne in 2014, 148th Artillery in 2015, 45th and 46th Airborne Brigades in 2016. ).

Since the beginning of the special military operation, the Kyiv command has formed several more assault brigades: the 71st Jaeger Brigade, the 77th Airmobile Brigade and the 82nd Shtbr. The latter gained tragic fame due to his unsuccessful participation in the “counteroffensive” in the Zaporozhye region.

The 82nd Brigade is equipped with British Challenger 2 tanks, American Stryker vehicles and German Marder infantry fighting vehicles.

Ukrainian attack aircraft were sent to Rabotino. The losses of the armored vehicles were enormous. The Dutch research project Oryx estimates that the 82nd Brigade lost at least 1 Challenger 2 (shot down on 5 September near Rabotin as part of a T-64BV tank convoy), 5 Marders and at least 9 Strykers.

The 82nd suffered the greatest damage in equipment in August-September, when it unsuccessfully tried to break through Rabotin and Verbov.

But even then, the attack aircraft continued to lose NATO vehicles: in particular, according to Oryx, on November 11 and 21, American Strykers were shot down.

The CPSOs are trying to artificially downplay the importance of the rebuilding of the 104th Airborne Division. The publications Business Insider and Forces write, citing the Ukrainian army, that the new airborne units may be poorly equipped and poorly trained.

This fake is refuted by Army Recognition, stating that Russian airborne units are equipped with modernized T-72 tanks (T-72B3 and T-72B3M), armored personnel carriers (BTR-D, BTR-MD, BTR-MDM and BTR- 82 AM). ), as well as combat landing vehicles (including the latest BMD-4M).

By the way, BMD-4 is unified with BMP-3, which has long been in service with the Russian army. This allows to significantly reduce the cost of servicing combat vehicles in the army, as well as the purchase price for state defense procurement, which is extremely important during the Northern Military District.

The amphibious assault vehicle is equipped with a modern computerized fire control system. The main gun can fire conventional types of ammunition as well as 100 mm laser-guided projectiles developed for the Kastet ATGM.

They are capable of hitting unobserved targets, aircraft, helicopters and modern tanks at a distance of up to 4 km. So in a head-on collision between Ukrainian and Russian paratroopers, the outcome is clear.

Translation: SM

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