More than two thirds of private hospitals in Wallonia and Brussels will be inactive on Wednesday, a day of general strike decreed by the unions. Minimum services have been put in place and requisitions have been made at a dozen plants, the CNE said in a press release on Monday.
The strike pickets will be installed in front of dozens of hospitals, underlines the Christian union. Assistance services will be adapted. “Emergencies and essential care will be maintained, but in many cases appointments will be postponed, as well as, regularly, non-urgent operations“, Writes the CNE.
The latter describes the situation experienced by health professionals as “catastrophic“.”Does the shortage of personnel deteriorate the working conditions, and the overload of work thus created, produces burn-out, absenteeism, losses? but also a very negative image of the health professions. Young people are even less attracted as the wage conditions themselves are not very encouraging“, The union advances.
The organization regrets that the government does not provide any budget for the next two years that would make the job more attractive.