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General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Thought on Party’s Self-Revolution: A Game Changer in Political Party Governance

The “Qiushi” magazine published on March 16 published an article by Shen Haixiong, deputy director of the Central Propaganda Department, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and director of China Central Radio and Television Station. The full text is as follows:

Study deeply and understand the “Second Answer” and promote self-revolution through hard work and hard work

Shen Haixiong

Whether from the perspective of human history or from the history of world political parties since modern times, the political forces that “won the world” have difficulty in staying awake and solving their own problems from fighting for political power to establishing political power and then to long-term governance. It often leads to laziness and corruption, and then there is a historical cycle of the rise and fall of dynasties and the continuation of regimes. Our party has such a long history, is so large in scale, and has been in power for so long. How can we escape from the historical cycle of the rise and fall of chaos and chaos? General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: “Comrade Mao Zedong gave the first answer in the cave dwelling in Yan’an, which is to ‘let the people supervise the government’; after a century of struggle, especially the new practice since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the party has given The second answer is self-revolution.”

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has used the extraordinary theoretical courage, outstanding political wisdom, and strong sense of mission of a Marxist politician, thinker, and strategist to creatively put forward a series of new ideas and new ideas for managing the party, rejuvenating the party, and strengthening the party. The new ideological strategy has formed General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the party’s self-revolution. This important thought is a new result of adhering to the “two combinations” to promote theoretical innovation, marking that our party’s understanding of the laws of Marxist governing party construction has reached a new height; this important thought adheres to the basic principles of Marxism and is consistent with China’s specific reality. Combining it with others, it has greatly enriched and developed the Marxist theory of party building with a series of original achievements; this important idea is rooted in China’s excellent traditional culture and is the core of China’s excellent traditional culture: “self-denial and self-cultivation,” “governing with morality,” The creative transformation and innovative development of spiritual concepts such as “a gentleman beware of independence” in the new era have scientifically and profoundly answered important questions such as “why we need to revolutionize ourselves”, “why we can revolutionize ourselves” and “how to promote self-revolution” in the new era. issues, guided the century-old party to open up a new realm of self-revolution, and provided fundamental guidance for Chinese Communists to build a solid foundation for long-term and stable development with the strictness of comprehensive party governance.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thought on the Party’s self-revolution is the latest theoretical achievement that combines Marxist party-building theory with China’s specific reality. It provides fundamental guidance for the century-old party to maintain its vitality and bravely shoulder its historical mission.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The courage to self-revolution is our party’s most distinctive character and our party’s greatest advantage.” An advanced Marxist political party is not born and unchanging, but must be tempered through continuous self-revolution. . Looking back on more than a hundred years of history, our party has always strengthened its body by combining China’s specific realities and adhering to the self-revolutionary spirit of turning the blade inward. Our party has grown from having only more than 50 members at the beginning to becoming the world’s largest Marxist ruling party with more than 98 million members today. It has gone through vicissitudes without changing its original intention, and has gone through hardships but remains true to itself. It is precisely because of its strong self-revolution spirit, the party has become stronger and stronger in the revolutionary forging.

Our party is the largest Marxist ruling party in the world. Being big means being big, and at the same time, being big also brings big difficulties. The arduous nature of its mission and tasks, the grand scale of the organization, and the complexity of the environment it faces determine that if our party wants to survive the long-term governance, it must be based on China’s specific realities and solve unique problems. In the strategic overall situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, our country’s development has entered a period in which strategic opportunities and risks and challenges coexist, and uncertain and unpredictable factors are increasing; in the world’s major changes unseen in a century, changes in the world, changes in the times, and changes in history is unfolding in an unprecedented way. The tests our party faces in terms of governance, reform and opening up, market economy, and external environment will continue to exist for a long time. These are all our specific realities.

To govern the country, we must first govern the party. Only when the party thrives can the country be strong. General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “Under the new historical conditions, the key to maintaining the party’s true nature as a Marxist political party depends on our party itself.” Entering the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping has the sobriety and determination to solve the unique problems of large parties. , based on in-depth thinking about the future and destiny of the party and the country, starting from the perspective that it is related to the party’s great achievements, the life and death of the party, and the success or failure of our country’s socialist system, we deeply analyze the causes, main manifestations and solutions to the unique problems of the big party. With the determination and courage to turn the blade inward, scrape bones to heal wounds, and strong men to cut off wrists, and with the mission of “offending hundreds of people and living up to 1.4 billion people”, they took on the task of eradicating malaria and controlling chaos, stopping some unhealthy tendencies that had not been stopped for a long time, and correcting the problem. Some stubborn diseases that have not been eliminated for many years have been fundamentally reversed, and the lax and weak situation of party governance has been fundamentally reversed, leading us to find a “second answer” that breaks out of the historical cycle. China Central Radio and Television combined in-depth study and understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the Party’s self-revolution with good publicity and reporting. Under the guidance of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, it carefully planned and organized publicity and reporting on the third plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Related reports The total number of reads and views on its own platform reached 1.131 billion times.

General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thought on the Party’s self-revolution is the theoretical crystallization and shining example of the combination of Marxist party-building theory and China’s excellent traditional culture. It points out the direction for further strengthening the construction of a culture of integrity in the new era.

Culture to moisten the inside, and cultivating virtue to consolidate the foundation. In the long history of Chinese civilization, a political culture focusing on self-reflection, self-denial and self-cultivation has been formed, inheriting the moral concept of integrity and self-cultivation and awe-inspiring righteousness. For example, “The Analects of Confucius” says, “I have to examine myself three times every day” and “cultivate myself to bring peace to the people.” “Mencius” says, “Those who fail in their actions will turn to themselves,” and “I am good at cultivating my awe-inspiring spirit.” “Historical Records” says, ” Listening instead is called cleverness, looking inwardly is called understanding, and self-defeating is called strong.” The Doctrine of the Mean says, “Don’t see what is hidden, don’t show what is subtle, so a gentleman should be careful about his own actions.” etc. Traditional Chinese virtues focus on personal self-improvement and improvement and promote a philosophy of self-cultivation, which has always influenced the shaping of Chinese people’s values ​​and moral character.

Entering the new era, General Secretary Xi Jinping, with the grand historical vision of a Marxist politician, looked at the historical latitude and longitude of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years and the development patterns of the rise and fall of political parties around the world, and clearly put forward the “third step” for Chinese Communists to break out of the historical cycle rate. “Two Answers”, insisting on “two combinations”, especially the “second combination”, especially combining the ideas, humanistic spirit, and moral norms contained in China’s excellent traditional culture with party building, leading the creative transformation of China’s excellent traditional culture , innovative development, which has carved a distinct Chinese background and injected profound cultural genes for Communists to cultivate values ​​such as self-restraint, self-cultivation, integrity and honesty. With firm cultural self-confidence, a high degree of cultural consciousness, and profound cultural sentiments, General Secretary Xi Jinping absorbs the essence of China’s excellent traditional culture and creatively combines the “party spirit” of communists with China’s excellent traditional culture, such as “conscience” and “unity of knowledge and action.” The combination of ideas leads our party to open a new chapter in the great social revolution and strengthen the body in the great self-revolution.

Under the guidance of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the main station cooperates with the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. In recent years, it has successively launched “Red Notice”, “National Supervision”, “Righteous Wind and Anti-Corruption at Your Side”, “Zero Tolerance”, “Always Blow the Charge” ” and other annual feature films, which have aroused widespread praise from the audience. The feature film “Continuous Efforts to Promote Deeply”, which was aired not long ago, is in-depth documentary and educational. It premiered on CCTV’s comprehensive channel with an average ratings of 1.03%, and a total of 3.886 billion views on its own platform, exceeding 1,300 media reprinted the report, arousing great public attention. The main station will carefully sum up its experience, see its skills and achieve practical results in being more down-to-earth and moisturizing things silently, dig deep into the rich mine of China’s excellent traditional culture, launch more high-quality products, and create a good public opinion atmosphere for cultivating a culture of integrity in the new era.

Currently, anti-corruption is an important issue of great concern to the ruling parties around the world and a common practical challenge. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the Party’s self-revolution are of great world historical significance and have contributed Chinese wisdom to the world’s political party governance and political civilization progress.

The main station will give full play to its communication advantages such as 80 overseas communication languages ​​and the CGTN integrated media platform to do a good job in external publicity, both “building a big ship” and “borrowing ships” to accurately interpret our party’s victory in jumping out of historical cycles and leading the times. way to create a favorable international public opinion environment and enhance the dissemination and influence of the Chinese nation’s modern civilization.

Consciously seek inspiration, ideas, and answers from General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the Party’s self-revolution, and transform the learning results into a powerful driving force for striving to create a world-class new mainstream media.

New ideas lead a new era, and new theories guide new practices. To study and implement the spirit of the three plenary sessions of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the most important and fundamental thing is to deeply study and understand General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the party’s self-revolution. To thoroughly implement this important thought, we must accurately grasp the practical requirements of promoting self-revolution in the “nine steps” and make the self-revolution on every front and every link concrete and in-depth.

Through study, thought and practice, we have more profoundly understood that: in the new era, comprehensive and strict governance of the party has achieved historic and pioneering achievements, produced all-round and deep-seated influence, and won the firm support of the people. The decisive significance of the “two establishments” be fully demonstrated. We will continue to work hard to deepen the internal transformation, deeply understand the spiritual essence, comprehensively grasp the practical requirements, firmly believe in practicing, being diligent in learning and writing, and resolutely achieve the “two safeguards” with solid work results.

The main station will play the role of ballast as the main force of publicity and reporting, create a good public opinion atmosphere for the in-depth advancement of comprehensive and strict party governance and the party’s self-revolution, comprehensively publicize and interpret the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech, and launch more in-depth reports and remarks Commentaries, high-quality programs, carefully created special programs around General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the Party’s self-revolution, deeply explaining how our party can find the “second answer” that breaks out of the historical cycle of the rise and fall of chaos, and vividly explaining General Secretary Xi Jinping’s governance of the country Stories of governing government, managing the Party, and upholding ethics and discipline; firmly grasp the correct public opinion orientation and value orientation, strengthen public opinion supervision, and provide high-quality and efficient news reports and research internal reference that are on-site, researched, and foreseeable, and timely Expose the unhealthy practices and corruption around the people; take advantage of the station’s resources to launch more high-quality special programs, integrated media products, public service advertisements, etc., actively promote the culture of integrity in the new era, and help the entire party and society create a culture that advocates integrity, It is good practice to resist corruption.

The Central Committee will resolutely shoulder the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly governing the party and promoting the party’s self-revolution, make the ideas and measures of party building more rigorous, grasp each link more concretely and in-depth, and continue to build a good morale. Work hard to maintain the strict tone, strict measures, and strict atmosphere for a long time. Adhere to the integrated advancement of the system, dare not be corrupted, cannot be corrupted, and do not want to corrupt, and deepen the treatment of both symptoms and root causes, and implement systematic treatment. Continuously strengthen the construction of the institutional system to make the iron discipline “elongate” and “live”; continue to strictly implement the ideological work responsibility system, strengthen the education and management of key positions and key personnel; strictly prevent “fly corruption and ant corruption”, and further strengthen Supervise key areas such as news gathering, editing and broadcasting, program commissioning, bidding and procurement, and major project construction, further strengthen the party style and clean government construction of local headquarters, overseas headquarters, and Taiwan-owned enterprises, and further strengthen the supervision of employees’ behavior outside of 8 hours; further We should take the political life within the party seriously, resolutely prevent the establishment of “small circles”, “worship the dock” and “build antennas”, further promote the formation of a clear and comradely relationship and a well-behaved relationship between superiors and subordinates, promote a clear political ecology, and create an international First-class new mainstream media provide strong political protection.

“Those who conquer others are powerful, and those who conquer themselves are strong.” Comprehensive and strict governance of the party and promotion of self-revolution are the “youth password” of a century-old party that has gone through many vicissitudes and is in its prime. It is also a new way to ensure that the party will always maintain its vitality on the way to the exam. Make firm choices, this is a crucial regular understanding gained through long-term practice. We will consciously use General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thoughts on the Party’s self-revolution to transform the subjective world, cultivate political determination, cultivate character, cultivate moral integrity, and examine our own thoughts with the attitude of “a gentleman will prosecute himself if he has ever done something wrong” In words and deeds, strengthen self-cultivation, self-discipline, and self-transformation, and always respect, self-reflect, self-police, and self-motivate. We will always keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s earnest teachings, and with the mentality of always blowing the charge, we will continue to exert our efforts and advance in depth, do a solid job in publicity and reporting, effectively and effectively perform the party’s responsibilities and missions as an ideological center, and strive to create a strong leadership , communication power and influence of the world’s first-class new mainstream media!

Source: “Qiushi” 2024/06

Editor: Shu Mengqing

2024-03-16 09:47:41
#Qiushi #published #article #director #Taiwan #Radio #Television #Station #Study #deeply #understand #answer #promote #selfrevolution #hard #workJinyang.com

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