Home » today » Entertainment » General Jan Žižka comes to life thanks to Jákel. Karel Roden also plays in the historical film

General Jan Žižka comes to life thanks to Jákel. Karel Roden also plays in the historical film

The premiere date was not determined by director Petr Jákl, but by American production. As he explained, the first screening must be shared with the United States. “We have to have a premiere in America and here, so I accepted it,” the producer and director explained, adding that if it was up to him, he would have chosen differently.

Long-delayed premiere

The premiere can’t wait. “I’m really looking forward to the movie in theaters. It’s a terrible feeling to have it done for a long time, but you can’t show it to anyone. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, there are a lot of creators in a similar situation, “added Jákl.

He asked for completion, according to him. “It simply came to my notice then. Basically, the last two years my meetings with anyone begin with the words: So when will Žižka be? For fun, I started telling everyone that it would probably be just a home video in the end, “he laughed.

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The young years of the famous Hussites

According to him, Jan Žižka’s film tells the story of the birth of the most famous military leader of the Czech lands, the founder of the South Bohemian Tábor, who came from Trocnov u Borovan. “It’s a story about the birth of a warlord, and I think people will be surprised by his concept,” he says.

Everything takes place in 1402, ie during Žižek’s youth, before the Hussite wars. “In film processing, there is everything you need to know about the time to understand it. Also enough fights, but above all a strong story that leads a person to the end, “revealed Jákl.

The role of the Czech king, Wenceslas IV. a native of Budějovice took over. “Karel Roden was a clear choice for me. I’ve always imagined King Wenceslas like this. In addition, he is a great actor and has experience with major foreign films, “he explained his selection. He had to defend this choice.

He has a kingdom in his blood

The creators had several other adepts with resounding names for this role: “I was convinced that it would be Czech and that it must be Karel. I’m glad he took it and I was able to work with him, because the first day it was confirmed that he was exactly what I had imagined the king to be. He has nobility in him, what makes a king king. It’s not the crown, but the grandeur inside, “he added to the selection of an actor who is well known for choosing his roles carefully.

King Wenceslas IV. is an important character in Jan Žižka’s story, even though he doesn’t have much space “The role is not very big in the film, but I took it for Peter’s sake. I’m glad that he managed to put together something as big as Jan Žižka, “explained Karel Roden, who met Oscar-winning actor Michael Cain on the first day at Křivoklát. “It was amazing, I’m glad I experienced it, I still had to look at it,” concluded Karel Roden.

Public transport.  Illustrative photo.

The senior missed a public transport document for ten crowns, the fine is harsh

Other Czechs such as Ondřej Vetchý, Jan Budař and Marek Vašut will also appear in the historical drama. A historical feature film in many locations in Central and Southern Bohemia, but it was also shot in Prague on Charles Bridge. In addition to Křivoklát, scenes also take place at Točník Castle or Zvíkov. Jakl wanted to show the most beautiful places in our country.

The foreign cast is also very interesting, Ben Foster as Jan Žižka, Michael Caine as Boreš, Til Schweiger as Rožmberk with Matthew Good as Zikmund or Sophie Lowe as Kateřina or Torak as Roland Moller. The entire staff had 300 members. The film is the most expensive film ever made in the Czech Republic, with a budget of half a billion crowns. The screenplay was written by Petr Jákl according to the theme of his father Petr Jákl. He worked on the preparations for the film Jákl for eight years, the screenplay had dozens of versions.


At the end of the 14th century, the lands of the Czech Crown are plagued by tyranny and violence. Jan Žižka and a group of his mercenaries are hired to protect the king’s deputy. Jan will demonstrate great strategic and combat skills. Subsequently, he was entrusted with the service of the king, Wenceslas IV. But the country is actually ruled by Henry of Rosenberg, the richest nobleman in the kingdom. Jan is given another delicate task: to kidnap Rožmberk’s fiancée Kateřina. This inevitably becomes entangled in high politics. He has no choice since. He has to fight. Jan’s mercenary values ​​shake to their foundations. Passion, guilt, lust and revenge become the driving force behind his struggle for justice and equality for the common people. At this time, the mercenary’s hire became a legend. A warlord is born who will fight for everything he believes in.

Jan Žižka was founded with the support of the State Cinematography Fund, the Prague Endowment Fund in Prague Film Fund, Creative Europe Media, Crestyl, the Capital City of Prague, the Central Bohemian Region and the President of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic Milan Štěch. It will be distributed to Czech cinemas by Bioscop.

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