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General Elections 23J: Five Key News Updates and Results

01:20 a.m., July 24, 2023 Five pieces of news to summarize 23J

The general elections of 23J have ended with a scenario that is far from what the majority of the polls had been predicting. However, as it has been a continuous cascade of data. Here are five news items to summarize the day:

With this, Diego Larrouy y Alberto Pozas We close the minute by minute of this day. First thing in the morning our colleagues will take it up again to count all the reactions.

01:12 a.m., July 24, 2023 Iglesias defends that “today is a day to be happy”, but warns that “a difficult scenario” is beginning

The former Vice President of the Government and former Secretary General of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, has reacted on Canal RED to the results of this 23J. Iglesias has defended that “it is a day to be happy” for having avoided a right-wing government with the extreme right. “From here, a difficult scenario begins” for governance, he added.

“In order to form a majority of the Government, it is necessary to reach an agreement with many political forces, including a force chaired by Carles Puigdemont,” he assured. “If Puigdemont and Junts get to the last with what they have proposed, it’s time to think about new elections,” he pointed out.

Iglesias has claimed the five deputies that Podemos has obtained, within Sumar. “If Podemos had presented itself alone, today we could not talk about the fact that there is no majority on the right,” she defended.

You can read here who made up Sumar’s group after 23J.

01:06, July 24, 2023 PSOE and PP tie in the municipality where Ciudadanos devastated the 28M

In full disappearance of Ciudadanos from the regional and municipal political map, its mayor Javier Fernández Soberón revalidated last 28M his position in El Astillero, a town located just over seven kilometers from Santander. And he did it by getting 70% of the votes. The leader tripled his support, going from 2,500 to 7,200 votes out of a total of 10,3000 counted. The absence of the orange party from the general elections left the doubt as to who their voters would now opt for.

The result has been a tie between the PP and the PSOE, between which there has been a difference of only 5 votes. The PP has achieved 3,875 compared to the 3,870 of the PSOE; leaving Vox far behind, which occupies third place with 1,516 votes. Sumar, meanwhile, remains at 980 votes.

Read the report by Peio H. Riaño from El Astillero.

Informa Laura García Higueras

00:48 h, July 24, 2023 Minister Diana Morant wins her seat for Valencia

Diana Morant, Minister of Science and Innovation, wins her seat for Valencia. The engineer went to the general elections as head of the PSOE list for the constituency, seconded by former minister José Luis Ábalos.

The until then mayoress of Gandía, was appointed minister in July 2021, as part of what was the first major remodeling of the Government of Pedro Sánchez. Morant is a Telecommunications Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, and she has the Pedagogical Aptitude Certificate (CAP) from the same center. Her political career began in 2011, as a councilor for the socialist group and, since June 2014, she is secretary of the PSPV-PSOE of Gandía, replacing José Manuel Orengo.

Informa Laura García Higueras

00:47 h, July 24, 2023 The Workers’ Front of Roberto Vaquero obtains 46,530 votes in the general elections

Frente Obrero, the political formation led by Roberto Vaquero, has obtained 46,350 votes in these general elections, so it does not obtain parliamentary representation.

Frente Obrero is a nationalist and left-wing formation, which is directly opposed to what they consider an identity left that puts the rights of minorities, including immigrants, before the interests of the “Spanish” working class. Its leader, Roberto Vaquero, was sentenced to more than two years in prison when he was Secretary General of Communist Reconstruction for participating in sending Spanish militants to Turkey who came to fight against ISIS.

Vaquero’s new party has gained some diffusion on social networks by disseminating its paramilitary training in the middle of nature, participating in an escrache against Iñigo Errejón or, more recently, in a tough debate with Macarena Olona organized by the Cajasol Foundation. The Workers’ Front has almost multiplied the votes obtained by Caminando Juntos de Olona by more than 10.

Reports Pedro Agueda.

00:32 h, July 24, 2023 The PP narrowly prevails over the PSOE in Valencia and Sumar-Compromís manages to be the third force

22,545 votes have been those that have determined the victory of the PP in Valencia in the general elections. The Popular Party wins in the province by adding two more deputies than in the 2019 elections, after keeping the chair that Ciudadanos released and stealing one from Vox. The PSOE, led by the Minister of Science and Innovation Diana Morant, adds one more seat compared to the previous elections, one of them being for former minister José Luis Ábalos.

Sumar-Compromís is maintained and remains as the third force in Valencia. The formation led by Águeda Micó retains both the two seats held by Unidas Podemos and that of Compromís in the previous legislature. The only party that loses representation is Vox, which is left without one of the three seats it won in 2019. One of them will now be occupied by its candidate convicted of sexist violence Carlos Flores.

Informa Laura García Higueras

00:29 h, July 24, 2023 Feijóo asks the rest of the parties to let him govern alone with 136 seats

The candidate of the PP in the general elections of July 23, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has claimed this Sunday after knowing the result of the polls to the PSOE “expressly” and to the rest of the parties with parliamentary representation, despite obtaining 136 deputies in Congress , 40 of the absolute majority.

“The Spanish have spoken”, Feijóo assured in a speech from the balcony of the national headquarters, on Génova street in Madrid. “As a candidate with the most support, with all humility but also with all determination, I am in charge of starting the dialogue to negotiate a government in accordance with the will of the majority expressed at the polls,” he added.

“I formally ask that no one be tempted to blockade Spain again,” said Feijóo, who had to see how party militants interrupted his speech twice with shouts “Ayuso, Ayuso! “I think it is a legitimate, democratic and essential request”, he added.

Feijóo has labeled as an “anomaly” the “that in Spain the most voted party could not govern.” “The only alternative is the blockade, which in no way benefits international prestige, investment, and the fact that the fourth largest economy in the euro is the one with more votes and seats than the leader of the opposition.”

“I expressly ask the PSOE, and the rest of the forces, not to block the Government of Spain once again.” “All the most voted candidates have governed. There is no president who has governed after losing the elections. It’s up to me to try. We are the alternative option and that is what I will do ”, he has settled.

Informa Aitor Riveiro.

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