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Gender medicine: Why the coronavirus hits men harder

Biological causes

The immune system should play an important role in this. “Generally, women have a better immune system than men,” says Kautzky-Willer. “On the one hand, this is genetic: on the X chromosome, which is duplicated in women, there are genes important for the immune system. While women have a higher X gene dose, men are disadvantaged.”

Women are also hormonally privileged when it comes to the body’s defenses: “The female sex hormone estrogen has an immunostimulating effect and can help fight inflammation in the body. While testosterone is more immunosuppressive, ie it suppresses the immune system and its response to pathogens.”

Whether and to what extent these factors in the novel Corona virus decisive for the gender differences, must be loud Kautzky-Willer be examined more precisely in studies. “From studies on SARS we know, however, that estrogen had a protective effect on women at the time. It can be assumed that these findings at least in part relate to the novel Corona virus transferred. “

There is already a clear difference in pregnancy SARS revealed: According to the current state of knowledge, the new one Corona virus not transmitted from the mother via the placenta to the (male and female) unborn child. Even if the mother-to-be is seriously ill.

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