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Gender Inequality in Organizations: Impact, Relationships, and Solutions

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Social and Cultural Sciences and Religion. Illustration source: PEXELS

It is unfair to represent women in organizations. In fact, women often experience injustice caused by increasing social and cultural influences on the nature of men and women. This influence causes one gender to be viewed unfairly because of its relationship to gender in society. Men are seen as strong and reliable, while women are seen as weak and helpless. In other words, women can do many things at once, or multitasking.

According to data from the Central Statistics Agency, the Human Development Index based on gender in 2021 shows that male data is 76.84 percent and female data is 70.56 percent. The conclusion from this data shows that women have less access (space) than men, and this has a significant impact on women because of societal norms and habits that limit their access to social life. However, gender is basically a difference that is used to distinguish between femininity and masculinity.

An organization is a forum for both men and women to develop their own capacities and abilities in the form of positive aspirations, ideas or initiatives. In organizations there are cooperative relationships and shared goals that are carried out rationally and systematically under the control of a leader. Men and women should have a good cooperative relationship and be given equal portions and rights so that there can be harmony to achieve success in an organization. However, in reality, what happens in women’s lives is that they often receive unfair treatment.

Women still have many roles in organizations which are limited because femininity, while men have a different role. This shows that in this context, men still dominate leadership positions. When we talk about women in organizations, it is often associated with men who can lead because they do not have the same knowledge and experience as men. This is coupled with the belief that women who lead will be “different” due to cultural, emotional and natural factors.

The concept of gender aims to change the relationship between men and women so that they have the same roles and rights without being affected by gender differences. This will allow equality for men and women. The development of the times, which influences existing values ​​and norms, has caused gender to begin to experience changes in the modern era. Karl Marx argued that today’s modern society is very different from capitalism because modernization has weakened society’s traditions and culture. Therefore, the progress of collaboration between science and technology in modern society has only eroded humanism, especially when it comes to women’s issues.

Hyper Reality and women’s rights

The unification of equality between male and female leaders in the era of culture and capitalism is actually a result of simulacra which is centered on two concepts, namely hyperreality and simulation in organizations. In a postmodern world, hyperreality is a new condition in which the distinction between reality and illusion has been lost or between the actual “truth” and one that is made up so that it looks like it is true. Simulation is the process of creating reality through a conceptual model or something related to a “myth” that cannot be seen as the truth of reality. On the other hand, when the old opposition has melted away, a reality is called “hyper”. A simulated world is a world depicted in form simulacra.

Baudriliaed divides simulacra into three levels. The first level represents the natural relationships between various aspects of life from the renaissance era to the beginning of the industrial revolution. The second level follows the development of the industrial era. At this level, the logical principle of production drives technological progress, commodities, . At this level, symbols are defined as images, symbols and cultural norms that are frequently associated and no longer involve representation. In space simulakra  point In this third place, people can explore various fragments of reality.

Within organizations, women now have equal opportunities to become leaders. Therefore, women’s gender debates have not been fully involved in organizations. In this world hiperrealityOn average, women are placed in positions such as secretary, treasurer and other positions. However, in some organizations, men are also placed in this position, which makes them always associated with “femininity”.

In addition, women involved in organizations can see signs of symbols or signs that refer to each other. It also refers to hyper reality, where these ideas are integrated with each other as a result of the final process of both realities (simulacra; simulation). In a context where gender roles and rights are fought for for women’s existence, gender differences indirectly cause gender roles that cause gender inequality. In gender sociology, roles refer to tasks that must be performed, while rights refer to opportunities, opportunities, or anything that can be obtained.

Feminist theory explains and focuses on a balanced relationship between men and women if they work together to create harmony and harmony in various situations. The fact that women are given the right to justice does not mean that men and women are equal in all respects; rather, it shows that women and men have the opportunity to utilize their rights and potential so that they can contribute to the development of organizations for the various impacts of certain developments.

2024-02-08 16:46:09

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