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Gender Imbalance in Higher Education: AUF and Ap Advocate for Gender Quotas

Higher education struggles with gender imbalance in many studies. Quotas are a solution, according to AUF and Ap. – Many boys think it’s uncool to work in a female-dominated profession, says a male student of kindergarten teacher.

Four girls for one boy: Kaja Torgersen Bakke (21) (last to left), Syafiqa Zulkifli (27) (last to left), Oyunchimeg Turmagnai (31) (last to right), Yordanos Zeleke (35) (last to h.) and Eirik Forbord (21) all thrive in their profession as kindergarten teachers. They say it is rewarding to work with children. Photo: Olav Olsen/ Aftenposten

Sea view

Published: 18/12/2023 05:42

In class A1 at Oslo Met’s kindergarten teacher training, you can count three boys. The rest of the students are girls.

– There are around 30 of us in each class, but far too few boys, says Oyunchimeg Turmagnai (31).

She sits with three other girls and one boy, and together they prepare for the exam. This group of students represents the gender distribution on the course: 4 out of 5 students here are girls.

Kindergarten teacher is only one of many studies in higher education with a very skewed gender distribution.

Many studies in particular have a preponderance of girls, including health and childhood studies, but also several studies with high averages such as law and architecture.

See an overview of the educations with skewed gender distribution at the bottom of the article

Odds hit better than points

AUF and the Labor Party now want to equalize the bias with gender quotas.

– It is important for equality and inclusion in working life, says head of AUF Astrid Willa Eide Hoem.

She wants to create a more even balance in the Norwegian job market.

– We will introduce gender quotas on all studies with a large bias, says Hoem.

A public committee has proposed removing all additional points when applying for higher education, including gender points. They would rather introduce entrance exams and gender quotas.

– The quota system makes it easier to regulate the gender balance. You compete with others within a separate quota, instead of competing with everyone on an ordinary quota, says Hoem.


This is the difference between gender points and gender quota:

  • Gender points come on top of the average from upper secondary school. If you have an average of 5.5, you will get 5.7 with two gender points. In the 2023/2024 school year, eight studies have gender points for boys and 31 studies have points for girls.
  • Gender quota differs from points in that a given number of study places is reserved for the underrepresented gender. If a gender quota is introduced for kindergarten teachers, for example 30 per cent of the places will be reserved for boys. Then they compete within a separate “boy quota”.
  • A public committee has proposed removing all additional points when applying for higher education, including gender points. They would rather introduce entrance exams and gender quotas.

Sources: University newspaper, Khrono, Coordinate admissions

Sea view

A large imbalance affects the classroom environment

– We think it’s a shame that more boys are not studying to become kindergarten teachers. It does something to the class environment, says Yordanos Zeleke (35). She gets affirmative nods from the rest of the girl group.

– Why are there so few boys who study it, you think?

– We think money and status play a role. It is not as respected as, for example, the engineering profession, the girls believe.

Eirik Forbord (21) is one of three boys in the class. He thinks for a bit before saying:

– I think many boys think it’s a bit uncool to work in a female-dominated profession.

He believes that a change of attitude is needed.

– I think it is crucial that boys see andre boys study kindergarten teacher.

The girls’ gang says it is important for the kindergarten children to have male role models.

They don’t get that when eight out of ten who study to become kindergarten teachers are girls.

– What do you think about the proposal on gender quotas?

– It is a good arrangement. You need different perspectives, say the girls.

78 percent of those who study kindergarten teachers at Oslo Met are girls. It will be four out of five. Photo: Olav Olsen/ Aftenposten

Sea view

The right is critical

Elise Waagen, spokesperson for education policy in the Labor Party, is on the same page as AUF positive for gender quotas.

It is crucial that you can be met by male doctors and psychologists in the healthcare system, she says. Not just women.

– Today, men come second due to tough competition in higher education, says Waagen.

The Conservative Party, on the other hand, is critical of AUF and Ap’s position.

Jan Tore Sanner, spokesperson for school policy, believes that gender points and gender quotas should only be used in certain special cases, and for a limited period of time.

– It is an invasive measure that should only be used where it is known to have an effect.

Encourages non-traditional choices

He refers to a report from Samordna Opptak on the impact of gender points, which concludes that the current system does not have the desired effect.

Gender points and gender quotas are practically the same, he believes.

Sanner fears excessive use of gender quotas could lead to a lower professional level.

Sandra Borch (Sp), Minister of Research and Higher Education, believes it is important to encourage non-traditional choices.

– I warmly welcome this debate.

She does not want to draw conclusions about gender quotas now.

– There are challenges with recruitment to certain studies, both ways, but the admissions system message the admissions system message Message to the Storting is used when the government wants to present matters to the Storting without a proposal for a decision. This is then a proposal (message) about the admissions system. which will come soon, will provide many good answers, says the minister.

Gutta backer

At Oslo Met, the group of kindergarten teachers are still preparing for their exams. Eirik Forbord leans over the seating group where his female fellow students sit and strikes up a lunchtime chat.

It doesn’t matter to him that there are only three boys in the class.

– As long as there are a couple of boys I can hang out with, it’s fine for me. We boys stick together, he says and smiles slyly.

– Gutta backer?

– Gutta backer!

2023-12-18 04:42:05

#studies #girls #boys #class

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