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Gen Z vs Millennials: Study Reveals Gen Z is More Shy and Socially Anxious

Each generation must have some differences, such as Gen Z and the Millennial Generation. It turns out, according to research, Gen Z is more shy than Millennials, young people.

Quoted from page Psychology Today, research in the journal entitled iGen or shyGen? Generational Differences in Shyness Which published in Psychological Science.

The study was first written by scientist Louis A Schmidt of the Department of Psychology, McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada.

The scientists focused on the comparison of shyness in Generation Z, the generation born between 1997-2012 and Millennials who were born in 1981 to 1996.

A study says Gen Z is more shy than the Millennial Generation (UNSPLASH)

Questionnaires were distributed to different student groups according to the criteria owned by the researchers. Data collection was also carried out by taking data from previous research which lasted for 20 years, from 1999 to 2020.

Approximately 806 respondents aged between 17 and 25 years in each study filled out the same shyness questionnaire.

The respondents were divided into three groups. The first group, there are 266 respondents who come from Millennials. The second group consisted of 263 respondents who came from generation Z and were tested before the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, there were 277 respondents who came from generation Z and were tested during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Gen Z is more shy than Millennials

Scientists found that shame levels increased over time.

Hence, the highest sense of shame was proven by generation Z which was studied during the pandemic. The second tier is Gen Z before the pandemic.

Meanwhile, the Millennial generation tends to show less shame when compared to Gen Z, both before the pandemic and during the pandemic.

This finding proves that Gen Z is more shy than Millennials is proven to be true. The embarrassment is also known to have increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In this study, researchers have concluded that growing up with smartphones and social media from childhood and adolescence can lead to increased shyness.

This is because Gen Z has fewer opportunities to develop their social skills, causing greater social anxiety and embarrassment.

2023-07-11 12:25:00
#Research #Calls #Gen #Shy #Millennials #PramborsFM

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