Even today we talk about Gemma Galgani’s love for Giorgio Manetti, and new details come out about the story that everyone knows
Gemma Galgani he is the most famous face of the Marian transmission Men and women. For more than 10 years in the studio, those who assiduously follow the program have witnessed her transformation and her loves.
In the beginning, the lady from Turin was in fact very different. Ballerinas on the feet, long and floral skirts, pastel colors and a dreamy air, in search of true love.
So when did she turn into the sorceress we see today? High heels, tight-fitting dresses, slits, make-up and wigs, and above all the desire to seduce over 70 years old.
The exact moment when Gemma she ditched the ballerinas for step on heels it was when in the studio he showed up Giorgio Manetti, in January 2015, and love at first sight struck for her.
The love story between Gemma Galgani and Giorgio Manetti
The troubled history between Gemma Galgani and Giorgio Manetti begins amid criticisms of the age difference. At the time of the meeting, she was 65 and he was 59, but the man has always said he doesn’t give any weight to age. Indeed, he has always expressed himself with praise and compliments for the woman, who thus begins her transformation to make herself more attractive and seductive in the eyes of the man she loves. Ended up telling each other even from Barbara D’Ursohe confesses: “Gem is my girlfriend and the years between us are not a problem for me. Her strong attraction towards her started within an hour of the first meeting. […] I was struck by her perfume, her elegance, her blond hair: I just couldn’t resist”.
But despite the strong attraction, the man is unable to give up meeting other women, who in the meantime arrive in the studio by the dozen determined to conquer the heart of the Gabbiano, as he has been nicknamed. There Galgani she resists stoically but suffers, she would just like to hear a declaration of love from him that will never come. Always from D’Urso admits: “I loved it from the first moment I saw it. Right from the start, just seeing him didn’t make me think anymore. […] I am aware of being considered a doormat but I feel like a Persian carpet thanks to him. I also know that I had an indescribable courage, when he goes out with another woman, I cry because I am aware that everything could end at that moment. That’s my fear, that the situation could change”.

The end
After a few months of ups and downs, a surprise return to the studio in September Giorgio he asks Gemma out and live it out, but she refuses because he’s not in love. What they have is not enough. Thus begins the ordeal of the woman who cries warm tears every time the man goes out with another woman, and who admits she regrets her refusal. The apex is reached in the special of 3 June 2016, an evening in which the protagonists will have yet another confrontation and Gemma will try to win back the Manetti, in vain, with a love letter. Tears and quarrels will be a constant for the following months and years until, in 2018, tired of the constant accusations, the handsome Florentine leaves the studio forever.
Even today, however, after so many years this remains a raw nerve for the Galgani who gets excited every time Giorgio is named. Inside her there is still regret and remorse, and perhaps still love. What is certain is that the suffering was great. She confirmed it too Raffaella Mennoiaauthor and right-hand man of Maria De Filippi, that al Courier he said: “Gemma puts truth, feeling into it. She was really hurt by her love for Giorgio. People understand if a person is spontaneous, if she comes there to find love. And she is.”