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“Gemini”, a first album in his image to discover Clodelle

The singer and model Clodelle, who we could see fluttering at Double occupancy in the West, recognizes himself in the duality that characterizes his astrological sign, Gemini. With his very first album, Geminithe artist offers us a reflection of herself: both intense and vulnerable.

Among the ten songs of the opus, there are as many dancing rhythms as calm ones. Clodelle confides to having “searched a lot musically” during the last years while she was composing her album. “I didn’t know if I wanted to do pop, rap or some other kind of music. I decided to mix everything together with lots of instruments. I find that the tunes are quite changeable,” she explains.

On pieces more trapas Nine Lives et Autopilot, you can even hear the artist rapping. “One of my biggest musical references at the level of female rap, even if the world says that she does not rap, it is Doja Cat! We also have mixed Drake’s influences,” she says.

Other titles like Magazine et Calm, reveal a much more vulnerable and gentle Clodelle. “Calm, it was the first song I wrote and I wrote it in literally ten minutes. It really talks about my personal life, my private life and what I’ve been through,” she says.

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Personal compositions that resonate with others

Clodelle wrote most of the lyrics to Gemini in collaboration with her producer and ex-spouse Claude Bégin, member of the Quebec rap group Alaclair Together. The former lovers therefore remain close professional collaborators.

If the singer says she was inspired by the experience of her relatives for certain songs, it is also her own observations and learnings, made in recent years sometimes in the public eye, that we find in the texts.

I want the world to be able relate [s’y retrouver] in their personal lives with my music, so I also wrote songs about other people’s lives.


At its output d’Occupation double, an experience that helped her “grow” and “evolve,” Clodelle says she reworked the lyrics to four tracks with friends. “Most of my tunes were written [avant sa participation à OD]but I wasn’t really happy with the message and where it was coming from,” she says.

Moreover, the singer does not hide it: there is a part of her who agreed to do television for the rapid visibility that it could offer her. “There are more people who know me because I have done FROMshe agrees. […] But I also wanted to meet new people and have a new circle of friends and that’s what happened so I’m happy.”

An international flavor

Unsurprisingly, the artist skilfully mixes French, English and Spanish, infusing an international flavor into the work. The use of three languages ​​in her lyrics is just natural for the young English-speaking woman who grew up between Los Angeles, Mexico City and Montreal.

“It’s like that in my daily life too. With my sister, I speak a mix of Spanish and English. With my mother, it’s French and English. I have friends that it’s just Spanish, I have other friends that it’s just French or just English, so I’m used to juggling the three languages. I thought it was interesting to put that in my music because it really represents me,” she explains.

And does Clodelle aspire to break through outside Quebec? “Of course I wouldn’t hate that,” she says straight away. […] Basically, English was to get out of Quebec, but I want to start with my roots too and be known here above all.”

The one who is entering the music industry will be performing for the very first time this summer at festivals. “I’ve never done it so it excites me, but it also stresses me out a bit, precisely because I don’t know that!” she says. This is just the beginning for Clodelle, who seems completely ready to embark on this new chapter. By proving to be more confident than ever on Geminithe young singer is off to a promising start in the music industry.

l’album Gemini by Clodelle is available today on all platforms of streaming.

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