Paint, read and win
The GNZ section for children at the weekend: Win exciting witch stories and books to learn to read
Holiday time is reading time – even though the holidays are almost over – this week in our children’s section we are giving away books for beginning readers and for those who can already read really well.
Main-Kinzig district. Learning to read is important. If you can, you can learn from it, for example new words in another language. But reading also allows you to maintain contacts or have conversations, for example with letters or in a chat.
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Reading is also important for children: children who read frequently are more creative and have better concentration. They find it easier to express themselves and to understand and evaluate connections.
Painting competition this week
For many first-graders, learning to read is soon on the schedule. It’s easier with the clever Lama Lenni and his “Lamaleicht Lesen” primers in two-colour syllabic script. We’re giving away five of them. And for the older ones, we have two copies of the book “Chaos Witches. The Wrong Chosen One” on offer. Anyone who wants to take part in the prize draw should send us pictures of witches or vampires (as in our game tip).
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You must send your pictures (please in landscape format, with address and age) to our address (Gelnhäuser Neue Zeitung, “Kinder für Kinder”, Gutenbergstraße 1, 63571 Gelnhausen) by Thursday or send them by email to [email protected].
You really are real dinosaur fans – your great pictures prove it. Neo Lott from Gründau won the book “Superbrain Dinosaurs”. Lia Gast from Brachttal is excited about “Memowissen Dinosaurs”.
This week we have even more book and game tips for you – take a look!
We have tested these books and games for you
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In our tips, you’ll meet the totally crazy Hackebarth family as well as the witches and vampires. And we have hidden object book tips for the little ones.
Have fun reading and painting!