Geert Wilders — © AFP
The PVV, the Dutch far-right party of Geert Wilders, wants to work hard in the European Parliament to put “the Netherlands back on top”, but is silent in its election manifesto about leaving the EU. The previous EU program from 2019 still called for a so-called Nexit. “We will work hard to change the Union from within,” the PVV now writes. According to the PVV, “intensive economic cooperation” is also “in our interest”.
In the run-up to the House of Representatives elections last November, the PVV called for a binding referendum on a Nexit. There is currently nothing about this in the program for the European elections that will be held in early June. The PVV does want to “cherish and protect Dutch sovereignty”, for example by adhering to the veto right that member states have.
In the program, Wilders’ party further advocates “cooperation with like-minded people” and an end to “Europhile dreams”. The PVV also wants to adjust European rules so that member states can determine for themselves how many migrants they accept. The party supports Ukraine in its fight “against the Russian aggressor”, but does not say how much money it wants to allocate for this.
Wilders’ party no longer speaks out against Islam in its programme. In 2019, the party devoted another paragraph to it, while the program then consisted of only one A4. The EU is said to be guilty of “Islamization” and “the survival of our country, our people, our national identity and our own culture must become the first priority,” the party wrote at the time. The PVV also explicitly spoke out against Islam in last year’s national election manifesto.
2024-04-06 06:46:23
#Geert #Wilders #party #longer #Nexit