It was exciting again during the morning meeting of the Algemeen Dagblad: what would be the nonsensical fuss for the clicks today? Earlier was’cake at work‘ already proclaimed the new second-hand smoke and ‘wood burning‘ was successfully put in the dark, so expectations were high. All suggestions are welcome and it doesn’t even have to be true: one debunked piece after all, it can still be considerably weakened at the end of the day when the clicks are already in. Today a classic with a new look won: second-hand smoke, but next level: third-hand smoking. That when you’re done smoking, you’re still killing kids with the nicotine on your clothes. It makes smokers a kind of lepers who can be better avoided even after extinguishing the butt. The people who were already banished to smoking areas, puff booths and eventually a shelter in the bleak outside air get another kick. It is the excuse to fight not only smoking, but also smokers in society. Thirdhand smoking: soon in a prevention agreement in your area. Thanks AD, already curious what we all die of tomorrow.