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GeenStijl: Memo of the Tax and Customs Administration just before recovery plan Surcharge affair: no new plans please

Of course only now public

November 2020: it really doesn’t work like that

Remarkable side path van de Omtzigtman with the news that the Tax and Customs Administration will have in the near future NOTHING AT ALL MORE can handle in terms of tax renewals, because all old stuff must first be renewed and / or maintained. Stas Van Rij also has a few documents that he still had on his desk at the Chamber sentand there it is an interesting note bee. The memo is dated November 30, 2020 and read by State Secretary Vijlbrief (one of the two successors to Menno Snel, who had already resigned at the time) on December 16, exactly one day before the devastating report Ongekend Inrecht was published.

And how things went then is quite telling about how the decent cabinet of VVD, D66, CDA and ChristenUnie, all very decent parties, dealt with the indecent surcharge affair and was replaced after the decent resignation by a new decent cabinet with all the same decent people from the same decent parties again.

Just think. On December 16, Hans Vijlbrief reads a memo stating that the Tax and Customs Administration can no longer handle all those political plans, because otherwise there would be a ‘continuity risk in the medium term’ (Vijlbrief rightly points out in his notes that this is a rather vague description, ed.) arises. A week (!) Later, the cabinet decides not to resign (it did not do so until three weeks later), but instead to come up with a political plan: all benefit parents suddenly receive 30,000 euros and are then helped quickly. We now all know how the recovery of the benefits affair is going (naatje pet), but the cabinet already knew that in advance. The Tax and Customs Administration had warned about it ONE WEEK before the announcement. And that warning is now being made public, more than TWO YEARS LATER. Decent though!



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