Home ยป Business ยป GDP per capita: And officially, the Greece of the Mitsotakis government is at the bottom of Europe – 2024-03-29 11:05:05

GDP per capita: And officially, the Greece of the Mitsotakis government is at the bottom of Europe – 2024-03-29 11:05:05

Officially now Hellas it is at the bottom of Europe in terms of per capita Gross domestic Product as it is penultimate in the list of 27 countries for 2023 according to Eurostat.

It would be last if it weren’t for the Bulgaria.

And all this after the fairy tales of the government and the Prime Minister Kyriakou Mitsotakis on Development and investments which of course do not correspond to any truth at all.

In particular, Greece – which is in the penultimate position – recorded a GDP per capita lower by 33% than the EU average. Last came the Bulgaria which recorded a lower 36%.

Read also: EU taxes and loans inflated GDP

In 2023, gross domestic product (GDP) per capita expressed in purchasing power units ranged between 64% of the EU average in Bulgaria and 240% in Luxembourgaccording to the first Eurostat estimates published today.

In 2023, there were significant differences in GDP per capita expressed in purchasing power units between EU countries. Luxembourg and the Ireland had the highest levels (140% and 112% above the EU average, respectively), well ahead of Netherlands (30% above the EU average), the Denmark (+28%) and the Austria (+23%).

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