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Gazprom over Nord Stream 2 staged a gas crisis in the EU

Gazprom refused to pump gas in the volumes Europe needed, which led to a large-scale energy crisis and soaring prices for blue fuel. Russia is actually blackmailing the EU in order to achieve the launch of Nord Stream 2.

About this in an interview Polish radio told the expert of the portal Energetyka24 Daniel Chizhevsky. Gazprom believes that if there is a shortage of gas in the European Union, they will agree to certify and launch Nord Stream 2. This can lead to a drop in prices.

Earlier, due to the EU gas directive, it became known that through the new Russian gas pipeline “Gazprom” will be able to pump only half of the volume for which it is designed. Another 50%, according to the rules, should be left for independent companies.

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“The Kremlin expects that the gas shortage will force the EU to accelerate the certification of Nord Stream 2 and allow the gas to flow through it to Europe. Unfortunately, politicians, analysts and observers have warned for a long time that the EU’s excessive dependence on Russian gas leads to the fact that the Kremlin can exert pressure or even blackmail European countries, “the analyst explained.

According to the latest data, 40% of all gas used in the EU comes from Russia. If Nord Stream 2 is launched, this figure will increase to 50%; in fact, Gazprom will gain a monopoly position and will be able to continue blackmailing the European Union.

The prices for blue fuel have already reached historical levels, and in October they reached $ 1,900 per thousand cubic meters.

As previously wrote OBOZREVATEL, Ukraine serious economic crisis threatens with soaring prices, unemployment and a wave of bankruptcies. The collapse may arise precisely because of the record gas prices for the industry.

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