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Gaza, thousands of people fleeing on foot amid the rubble of Khan Younis: the images

Rome, August 9. (Adnkronos) – The Italian government intervenes in the case of Venezuelan opposition MP Williams Davila, who was arrested a few hours after the interview given to Adnkronos in which the same member of parliament appealed to the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to ask for the support of Italy, denying ​​the repression of the Nicolas Maduro regime after the much disputed political elections on July 28. “The regime illegally brought him in the square through assemblies. We have no more news about what happened to him, we are always in contact with his family and friends of the Venezuelan opposition”, said the alarm this morning with Alessandro Bertoldi, executive director of the Milton Friedman Institute (of which Davila is a member) and one of the last to speak with the Venezuelan politician on the phone.

“In every healthy democracy, popular sovereignty and justice are essential and inseparable pillars to guarantee the rule of law. And in Venezuela it is obvious that they have been disregarded,” said Edmondo Cirielli, deputy minister foreign and reporter Fratelli d’Italit to Adnkronos. . According to Cirielli, the arrest of Davila “represents the denial of the fundamental right of people to regain their freedom after 25 years of oppression and poverty”.

“The leftist authoritarian government, the government of Venezuela, is now proving itself to be a shameful communist dictatorship, adopting a strategy of fear and intimidation not only against opposition leaders but also against citizens who do not recognize the outcome of the election”, he notes to the Deputy. Minister of Foreign Affairs, recalling how the Farnesina has established a permanent task force “to follow developments in Venezuela. political situation in the country and the problems related to political opponents and Italian citizens subject to the measures of local authorities”.

In addition to the commitment of the government there is the commitment of the Italian Parliament, as confirmed by the deputy head of FDI Giangiacomo Calovini, head of the group of Melonians in the Commission of Foreign Affairs in Montecitorio. “A few days ago, on behalf of the group I represent in the Commission, I submitted a resolution on the Venezuelan issue, which will be discussed immediately after the summer holidays, and which I hope to find a consensus from all the political forces present. The Parliament condemns the atrocities of the Maduro regime”, says the Fdi member of parliament. Naike Gruppioni, vice president of Italia Viva, is also worried about what happened to the Venezuelan dissident: “Davila was taken by a group of men unknown. of opponents.”

In the same hours, the reporter IV recalls, the Italian-Venezuelan deputy Amerigo De Grazia was also unavailable. Senator Pier Ferdinando Casini in a post on social media asks the Venezuelan authorities to provide “immediate news” about the fate of De Grazia, “who has a dual Venezuelan and Italian passport and I received as- then the chance to join Italy after his release. Italian Embassy in Caracas in November 2019.

In the interview published by Adnkronos shortly before his arrest, Davila asked the international community to put pressure “so that the CNE (National Electoral Council) shows the minutes that he says they have”. “Prime Minister Meloni – following Davila – knows that the will of the people and their sovereignty must be respected, and I am sure that she would support what I am saying. last century People went to the polls en masse and voted for Edmundo Gonzalez as the new president of Venezuela.” Davila also spoke about the crackdown on social media that the South American system has implemented: “The government – affirms Davila – trying to repress social media to prevent people from informing themselves, uploading information or evidence about crimes against humanity, violations of constitutional rights and more. WhatsApp was the application that Maduro ordered removed from phones because, he says, conspiracies will arise from there. “Social network laws” of the country. (by Antonio Atte)

2024-08-09 14:45:41
#Gaza #thousands #people #fleeing #foot #rubble #Khan #Younis #images

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