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Gavà grants more financial aid to freelancers, micro-businesses and local entrepreneurs

Subsidies reach 1,000 euros in the case of establishments affected by the partial or total closure generated by the covid-19 pandemic and up to 3,000 euros in the case of initiatives for self-employment

The establishments and businesses open to the public in Gavà that are suffering the most damage caused by the covid-19 pandemic (due to total or partial closures of the activity), will receive a subsidy of 1,000 euros from the City Council, regardless of the aid granted by other administrations. For this purpose, a game of 300,000 euros has been reserved that will be distributed among the premises that meet the established requirements, until it is exhausted.

The subsidies are intended to help the self-employed and small businessmen (with less than 50 workers) who have suffered an operating drop of 50% during this month of November in relation to 2019. The contribution must be allocated to cover maintenance and reactivation costs of your business, such as the payment of rent or mortgage, loans, insurance, basic supplies, measures applied to implement online commerce or prevention measures put in place to tackle the coronavirus. Applications can be submitted until February 15, 2021 through the Gavà City Council electronic office.

In addition, with the aim of encouraging the labor insertion of unemployed people, the Gavà City Council will contribute 2,000 euros to non-refundable funds to promote self-employment projects, which may be up to 3,000 € if the initiative presented is consistent with the principles of the social, solidarity, innovative and sustainable economy. The global amount allocated to this item is 50,000 euros.

Projects in the city

The grants for entrepreneurs will go to people residing in the municipality, but also from other metropolitan cities if they plan to develop their project in Gavà. It will be an essential requirement to be registered with the Generalitat Labor Office.

It will also be necessary for the beneficiaries to belong to groups with more difficulties in finding a job or with a greater risk of social exclusion: those who have exhausted the unemployment benefit without the right to unemployment benefit; in a long-term situation; older than 45 years; young people from 16 to 35 years old; People with disabilities; people to families with all their members unemployed; people belonging to single or large families, and women.

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