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Gauhart jewelry | Rouen.fr

Both a workshop and a boutique, the Gauhart jewelry store showcases the elegance of its creations in the heart of rue de l’École.

Created in 2016, the Gauhart brand (which comes from the Hindi first name “gauhar”, or Pearl) finally has a case to match. The delicate creations of the Rouennaise Solène Pontier took up residence at the beginning of June 2021 in the pretty rue de l’École, between the museum district and the very busy rue Ganterie. “We were able to open just before Mother’s Day, specifies the designer. It’s one of the 2 highlights for us, with Christmas.”

If Solène Pontier speaks readily in the plural, it is because she is – well – supported on a daily basis in her work: Amandine, her marketing/customer service profile, and Mélissa, who helps with production today completes the small team of Gauhart.

On site, there is obviously a sales section – where the ethnic side of the jewelery is underlined by a cleverly chosen hanging and furniture – and a “workshop” section where the magic happens. There, as soon as possible, Solène Pontier welds, cuts, hammers and polishes raw brass pieces which will then be gilded with fine gold in Paris, before returning to be assembled and set with semi-precious stones or woven with pearls, designer’s specialty. After a stint in the world of fashion, where she cut her teeth after training in Applied Arts in the capital, this 32-year-old craftswoman preferred to return to her first love.

Its credo: to offer quality jewellery, made in France and by hand, timeless and original pieces, which nevertheless remain accessible. The new collection, called Hira, plays with colors and fine stones. It is added to the pieces of the previous one, Avani, and to the “Timeless”, still available for sale, at the Rouen boutique of course, but also online on the Gauhart website.

Boosted last Christmas with a corner hosted at Printemps Rouennais, the brand has already attracted other outlets, as far as Lyon, Saint-Malo and of course Paris. In Rouen, if ever the shop-workshop displays a closed door, you can always go down to the rue aux Juifs, where e2 at Home – the 1st to have hosted its creations in its store – continues to offer bracelets, rings and necklaces by Solene Pontier.
Gauhart’s story has only just begun. And it is sewn with gold thread.


Shop info

Gauhart jewelry

4 rue de l’Ecole

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