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Gasunie secures liquid gas supply in Eemshaven

gas union

In cooperation with

RTV North


NOS Newstoday, 12:10

Gasunie subsidiary EemsEnergyTerminal has made agreements with two parties that will supply liquid gas (LNG) to two floating terminals in Eemshaven, in the far northeast of the country.

This will significantly reduce dependence on Russian gas, says Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy. The contracts are good for a total of seven billion cubic meters of natural gas, reports RTV North.

Gasunie has made agreements with the Czech CEZ as and the Anglo-Dutch Shell Western LNG BV. Liquefied gas is deep-frozen (minus 160 degrees Celsius) and therefore takes up much less space than gas that is extracted from the ground in Groningen, for example.

Lng is transported by ship to two large floating terminals that will be located in Eemshaven in August. In the terminals, the liquid gas is converted into ‘normal’ natural gas, which is pumped into the gas network.


Both terminals together have a capacity of eight billion cubic meters of gas. Gasunie believes that an appointment can also be made in the short term for the delivery of the remaining one billion cubic meters.

Gasunie does not only focus on the Eemshaven for liquid gas. At the same time, the existing LNG installation on the Maasvlakte will also be improved. In total, the Netherlands can then import 24 billion cubic meters of liquid gas, which is twice as much as the current capacity.

Roughly 40 billion cubic meters of gas is used in the Netherlands each year – a large part of this is therefore now ‘secured’.

“Partly thanks to the unbridled efforts of Gasunie, we can double the import capacity of liquid gas in the Netherlands this year,” said Minister Rob Jetten. “This, together with our commitment to faster sustainability and filling the gas storage facilities, is crucial to become less dependent on Russian gas as quickly as possible.”

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