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Gastronomy, at the center of summer tourism in Bilbao and Bizkaia | Radio Bilbao | Today for Today Bilbao

Bilbao and Bizkaia are committed to promoting gastronomy in the tourist campaigns of this atypical summer. Mayor, Juan Mari Aburto, together with the deputy for Economic Promotion, Ainara Basurko, and nine of the ten chefs with Michelin stars in the territory This morning they presented the five summer tourism campaigns, aimed mainly at local travelers, and to a lesser extent, foreign tourists.

The culinary tradition of the region and the Villa allow, as they have explained, to attract different tourist profiles in a summer that will be marked by local tourism and the progressive economic reactivation in hotels and restaurants, some of the sectors most affected by the pandemic. From local production to pintxos and traditional cuisine, passing through haute cuisine and wine tourism linked to txakolí, gastronomy is and will be one of the great attractions for visitors to Bilbao and Bizkaia.

“Gastronomy tells us what we are and what we have been; it tells us about the harvest and what the sea gives us; it is innovation, it is design, it is craftsmanship and tradition. It is our culture”, Ainara Basurko has communicated in the act that took place at 10 am in the Ensanche Building. Precisely to publicize, revalue and bet on a differentiated tourism offer, the chosen formula will be digital marketing actions and collaborations with tour operators.

Thus, they have been presented 4 new campaigns that add up to Bilbao Bizkaia Reserve, the reservation portal with more than 300 activities to explore the city and the territory and launched last week.

Bilbao Bizkaia, you will return: is a thematic video campaign that summarizes the essence of the destination with content related to txakoli, shopping, the coast and gastronomy. Through emotional messages on social media and newsletters, the videos help to recall the experiences of the trip.

Two campaigns featuring haute cuisine and featuring the creations of the 12 Michelin-starred restaurants in the city and the territory. They will start next week and will be aimed at visitors interested in having a special culinary experience. The first, Bilbao Bizkaia, a brilliant destination, is a campaign aimed at segmented audiences in Madrid and Barcelona. The second, Savor the stars It will be aimed at the local public so that they discover the haute cuisine that they have close to home.

Cities to eat them. It is a co-marketing action with Vueling to promote the destination, connecting it, through gastronomy, with 4 broadcasting cities: Seville, Malaga, Valencia and Barcelona. It is very focused on social networks and will be complemented with direct promotion actions in the other participating cities.

New thematic maps Bilbao Bizkaia. The tourist offices of the city and the territory distribute four new tourist maps to explore them: Txakoli, Shopping, Drive&Enjoy y City&Experience. They are new routes to discover for the first time or rediscover Bizkaia again.

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