Home » today » Health » Gastro, clubs and hotels: These corona loosening will come into force on March 4th – Nuremberg

Gastro, clubs and hotels: These corona loosening will come into force on March 4th – Nuremberg

– The German federal government wants to leave the Corona winter behind with a three-stage exit strategy. The next wave of easing is to follow on March 4th – i.e. next Friday. Read what’s planned here.

On February 16, the federal and state governments decided to relax the corona measures in Germany at a digital conference of prime ministers. The reason for this: Despite high incidences, fewer people have to be treated in hospitals due to the mild course caused by the omicron variant and the increased vaccination rate.

The opening steps are to take place in three stages. Before each step, it is checked whether the planned easing of the corona situation is appropriate. the The federal states are also responsible for the specific implementation of the resolutions. The Bavarian cabinet will meet on Wednesday and will probably decide on the next easing.

The first simplifications came into effect in mid-February. Among other things, the Upper limit for private gatherings for vaccinated and recovered people raised up. were before only a maximum of ten people are allowed for private meetings. For unvaccinated However, the contact restrictions remain until March 19th consist. You are only allowed to meet with your own household and a maximum of two additional people. Children under the age of 14 are exempt from this rule.

Also the 2G controls in retail were abolished in mid-February. All citizens are now allowed to enter shops regardless of their vaccination status. You do not need a daily corona test for this. Inside the shops, however, the mask requirement and the distance requirement still apply.

These corona rules should apply in Germany from March 4th

From the 4th of March should in one second step the 2G rule for gastronomy abolished will. For restaurants and cafes then 3G be valid. In other words: unvaccinated people with a negative corona test updated daily as well as vaccinated and recovered people without a test have access. Also for accommodation offers such as hotels or guesthouses, this regulation should apply from March 4th.

When will discotheques and clubs open again?

In addition, a great relief for all night owls is planned: Discotheques and clubs in Germany should to March 4th allowed to open again. Unlike in gastronomy, the 2G plus rule should apply here. Only those who have been vaccinated and have recovered who can either present a daily rapid test or have already been boosted – i.e. who have received their third vaccination – have access.

Nuremberg’s restaurateurs are also eagerly awaiting the re-opening next weekend. The “Mach1” about wants to welcome guests again on Friday, March 4th. The operators announced this on Instagram. “We start with Part1 of the reopening weekend at 9 p.m.,” it says there. Part two follows just a day later. “I’ll see you at the bar.”

The day before, on March 3rd, the downtown club “Rosi Schulz” wants to get going again. “At 11:59 p.m. you are welcome to go crazy again on Luitpoldstrasse,” write the operators. The large-capacity discotheque “Won” also opens again. “On March 5th, after an incredibly long break, we will finally be back at the start,” says the Instagram page. A test station is to be set up just a few meters from the club’s entrance, which party-goers can visit without a booster vaccination.

Corona loosening for major events

Also for organizers of national major events loosening is planned for March 4th. In football stadiums or at large events, those who have recovered and vaccinated under the 2G or 2G plus rule should then be allowed access again. Protective measures such as the obligation to wear a mask remain in place. In closed rooms, a maximum occupancy of 60 percent applies, a maximum of 6000 spectators are allowed. For outdoor events, the occupancy rate is 75 percent. The maximum here is 25,000 visitors.

Editor’s note: These are measures that the federal and state governments have discussed. From a purely formal point of view, however, the Free State of Bavaria still has to change the Infection Protection Act so that these changes can take effect.

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