Home » today » World » Gasparri to the student about the gun gesture against Meloni: “Do it to me”. And he goes along with it

Gasparri to the student about the gun gesture against Meloni: “Do it to me”. And he goes along with it

“Now, if you dare, give me the gun. Do it in my face.” The screams of Maurizio Gasparri echoed in the corridor of Palazzo Madama. The agency tells the backstory Dire. Tuesday afternoon, the news is the Righi high school student who in the classroom mimed pointing a gun at Giorgia Meloni. The furious president of the senators of Forza Italia enters the office of Gaetano Nastri (FdI), the senior police commissioner. It is he who is very calmly trying to resolve the issue.

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Nastri, together with the commissioner Antonio De Poli (UDC), summoned the boy and the teacher who accompanied him to his office. He proposes that the school officially apologize with a letter sent to the prime minister and the president of the senate. It is the compromise that will actually be reached in the end. Gasparri, however, doesn’t want to use gloves: “Shove the gun in my face”, challenges the boy in a loud voice. And he, a sixteen-year-old with a passion for politics, doesn’t have to be asked. He puts his hands together again, raises his arms and aims at the former minister. “I speak to you as if you were my son – Gasparri replies amazed – I wish you to be better when you grow up than you are now”. The teacher nearly faints: “Please, give me some water,” she whispers as she collapses into an armchair.

The young man, interviewed by Republic, apologizes but claims his political action. He says he is sorry for having mimed a gun: “If I had made the clenched fist gesture perhaps all this mess wouldn’t have happened.”

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Gasparri, meanwhile, leaves the room. Meanwhile, FdI starts charging. The gesture is “disturbing” (Malan), “unworthy” (Photos), “the result of a climate of hatred” (Milani), “evokes the years of lead” (Pellegrino), “p38 symbol” (First). Meloni’s party invites all political forces to stand in solidarity with the prime minister and to condemn the human gun.

When the Prime Minister returns to the chamber for the replies, she associates him with the Red Brigades: “I am struck by a gesture of this kind on the anniversary of the death of Marco Biagi, who paid with his life for his availability for the institutions”. La Russa prefers other tones. First she speaks of a “not exactly elegant” episode, then when in the Chamber she reads the letter of apology from the principal of Righi, she asks for clemency for the student : “I break a spear so that there is no excessive punishment. What we have seen here is enough.”

#Gasparri #student #gun #gesture #Meloni
– 2024-04-06 05:23:52

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