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Gasoline prices, tragic news for motorists, it’s official


A delicate, worrying situation that alarms many citizens: in a context of price increases, the price of petrol is rising. The dreaded decision arrives: but which one and above all where?

Nothing to do: in this historic phase of crisis, it’s just not possible to breathe some healthy air around the theme of fuels. And certainly not, or not only, due to their polluting nature.

We are obviously referring to what are now seen in the round, and everywhere, as levels exorbitant Of prices for what it pertains to the purchase of fuel, gasoline first.

I levels Of theshold have long been outdated: and there are now many families, at all latitudes, who pay the price for this continual wheelie of the costs relating to ‘full fuel’.

At the same time many have also been the authority Of government, in the various countries affected by this real haemorrhage of costs and rising prices gas, who have tried to find solutions.

Gasoline price increases: what happens?

Between price blocks, discounts, price cuts excisethe solutions that have been put on the plate and on the decision table have only partially stemmed it tsunami of the prices But others, however, have also accentuated it.


Which? In particular we are talking about a latest and terrible news that from this point of view, in the direction of 2023it certainly does not bring winds of hope for what refers to the dear one petrol prices.

In particular we are talking about the decision to put a Brake, to stop the notorious in a plain and round sense Discount for the gas, and for some fuels in particular. But what discount? And where was it enforced, and by whom, and in whose favor? Say what decision we are talking?

Gasoline price, bad news coming: for whom?

Basically we refer to what happened in Spainwhere the executive aims and close the chapter, in 2023, relating to Discount general for i fuels. What discount is this?


Talk about the discount twenty hundred per litre, relating to fuels in general, which will therefore be eliminated: it should remain only as an extreme solution with regard to the most damaged sectors.

It’s the sayings government authorities Hispanics who have spoken of measures which, in their emergency version, will therefore be remove. This, in order not to create an overload of disbursement towards the small ones state coffers. Bad news therefore for all those who use motor vehicles in Spain.

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