Home » today » Business » Gasoline, here’s the paper towel trick: no one will cheat you anymore | Lots of people are trying it

Gasoline, here’s the paper towel trick: no one will cheat you anymore | Lots of people are trying it

At a time when even distributors tend to cheat drivers, here’s the trick of the paper towel: so you won’t have any more surprises during refueling that could cause you damage and disbursements.

In times of crisis even the gas station attendants run for cover and really think of everything to be able to scrape together some more money. Hence a set of techniques and tricks to introduce less fuel into the tank of unsuspecting motorists.

Refueling – solomotori.it

There are many honest distributors on the national territory, this must be said to tell the truth: yet there are some crafty, not to say criminals, there are. In fact, these gas station attendants have been caught doing something wrong and also potentially harmful to the engine and to health.

They diluted gasoline with kerosene so as to be able to earn more on the shoulders of poor drivers who did not notice the crime at the time. At least 500 cars have fallen victim to this situation and are sadly gone completely destroyed due to the deleterious effect that petrol and kerosene together release for the mechanical parts.

Fortunately on the side of motorists and motorcyclists there is today a trick that allows you to understand if you have been scammedabove all avoiding irreversible damage to the vehicle. All you need is a little scottex and the game is done: let’s see how it works.

Scottex trick: here’s how to unmask the clever ones

To understand if the one put by the gas station is fuel or kerosene, we can use one infallible litmus test thanks to scottex. After refueling, take a small amount of the liquid that ended up in your tank.

Thanks to scottex it will be possible discover the truth thanks to the smell: since both petrol and kerosene are colorless and transparent, the one linked to the sense of smell is the only effective and safe method for figure out if you’ve been scammed oh less.

Scottex trick to understand if it is petrol or kerosene – solomotori.it

So soak your piece of scottex just enough for it to soak up the liquid then sniff: if the smell is similar to that of acetone and is quite strongactually annoying and persistent then it is kerosene. Another method is undoubtedly that of start the car even if this involves risks: if your car Has a hard time starting or runs extremely slowly, the petrol has been stretched with kerosene and they screwed you over. Above all, kerosene pollutes much more and it also requires more frequent maintenance: a double rip-off.

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