– Thanks to the efficient and quick actions of PiS MPs, it was possible to amend the Energy Law in order to allow for the spreading of increases in time. The new regulations make it possible to spread the tariff increase over three years – the supplier may apply for it and the President of the Energy Regulatory Office approve it. This was the case with PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny. Without these measures and without the government-approved anti-inflation shield, increases in monthly bills could be higher by another several hundred zlotys, Majewski said.
– Thanks to this, despite the increases in gas prices on European markets reaching up to 900%, we were able to limit the increase in the price of gas itself to 83% in Poland, and of the entire bill for an individual recipient on average up to 54 percent. – he pointed out. He reminded that Poland is still a certain exception in Europe, because it still has a regulated market for individual consumers, where tariffs are set by the regulator – the President of the ERO. However, as he recalled, the company must apply market prices throughout its turnover, and price increases on world markets translate into customers.
– With such increases, and they were sometimes even at the level of 900 percent. year on year, we would have to translate part of this increase into individual recipients. There is no entity in Poland that could bear the entire burden of such high increases, because there are tens of billions of zlotys in the country. If it were not for the responsible attitude of parliamentarians and the government, we would be dealing with gigantic increases of even several hundred percent – emphasized the president of PGNiG. He noted that other gas suppliers offering their services in Poland had already increased tariffs reaching almost 200%.
Paweł Majewski said that after the increase, the Polish recipient will pay PGNiG OD for gas at a rate of about PLN 200 per MWh, while consumers in Western Europe have to pay nearly PLN 600 per MWh, which is almost three times more.