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Gas price April 2021 – tariffs of all suppliers published

Since the beginning of April, gas prices previously fixed by the Cabinet of Ministers are no longer valid in Ukraine. At the same time, gas companies have already announced their new prices for services.

About this on March 26 reported Gas Truth.

At a time when prices for gas and oil in Ukraine increased significantly in Europe and the world, “blue fuel” rose in price only slightly. 14 suppliers have even reduced prices for blue fuel. While 17 companies have raised the tariff above the price of 6.99 UAH.

A number of companies have not even changed the gas price in comparison with March. “Megawatt” set the price at 6.70 UAH per cubic meter, and the suppliers “Eru People”, “Eru Trading” and “Agrosintez Trading” – 6.75 UAH per cubic meter.

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In turn, the most expensive gas was bought from “Azovgaz” with its price of 8.85 hryvnia per cubic meter.

List of price changes for services of gas supply companies:

Photo: gazpravda.com.ua.

It is worth recalling that earlier, the Prime Minister of Ukraine told how the price of electricity for Ukrainians will change from April 1.

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