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Gas market. The Russians did not reserve the capacity of the Yamal gas pipeline

The Russian company Gazprom has not reserved capacity for December this year. for gas transit through Poland via the Yamal-Europe pipeline. Shortly after the auction, the gas price in the Netherlands increased.

Gaz-System, the Polish operator of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline, offered around 89 million cubic meters at the auction. gas per day at the Kondratki entry point at the Polish-Belarusian border. Gazprom has not decided to reserve capacity,

Increase in prices

As noted by Bartłomiej Sawicki, a journalist from “Rzeczpospolita” dealing with energy, this one the decision led to an increase in gas prices in the Netherlands by 6%.

The Russian “Kommersant” also writes about the price increase after Gazprom’s decision. The daily also notes that this decision by Gazprom will not allow for more intensive filling of underground gas storage facilities in European countries. Gazprom started replenishing stocks in these tanks a few days ago.

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