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Gas leak in Finnfjordbotn: very explosive – VG

BLOCKED: The Sørreisa junction has been blocked off as a result of the gas leak. Photo: FOLKEBLADET

The emergency services are moving out to a major gas leak of propane from an industrial building in Finnfjordbotn in Senja, reports Troms police district.


Less than 30 minutes ago

Evacuation is initiated and a safety zone of one thousand meters has been set.

Propane gas is very explosive.

– Avoid the use of fire !, the police write on Twitter.

There will be talk of 4,000 liters of propane that has leaked from the industrial building, operations manager Beate Helberg informs VG.

The police do not know the cause of the gas leak, and are in the process of getting an overview of how many are now to be evacuated.

– It is an industrial area just outside Finnsnes, with surrounding residential properties, says Helberg.

The police inform Troms Folkeblad that propane is a gas that settles low in the terrain.

The case is being updated.

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