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Garuda Boss Explains the Company’s Strategy to Get Out of Debt Problems

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Irfan Setiaputra revealed a number of his company’s strategies to deal with debt problems. Irfan said the company is in the process of debt restructuring and renegotiation with creditors and lessors.


Perusahaan, kata Irfan, tengah merampungkan penyusunan rencana bisnis sebagai pendukung proposal yang akan diajukan kepada kreditur. Rencana bisnis itu disusun bersama advisor yang telah ditunjuk oleh perusahaan beberapa waktu lalu.

“Kita lagi proses bersama advisor untuk memfinalkan bisnis plan ke depan yang merupakan justifikasi pada waktu kita akan mengajukan proposal ke kreditur, lessor, Angkasa Pura I, dan Angkasa Pura II. Lalu kita akan masuk ke restrukturisasi,” ujar Irfan dalam konferensi pers, Jumat, 13 Agustus 2021.


Adapun lima advisor yang telah ditunjuk oleh Garuda sebelumnya adalah McKinsey & Company (business advisor), Guggenheim Partners (financial advisor), PT Mandiri Sekuritas (lead advisor), Cleary Gottlieb (legal advisor), dan Assegaf Hamzah & Partners (legal advisor).

Garuda continues to communicate with shareholders and stakeholders so that the restructuring process will be completed as soon as possible. While completing the restructuring process, Garuda is focusing on improving performance by optimizing revenue from the cargo side.

According to Irfan, the trend of Garuda cargo flights is increasing, especially for international ones. Irfan claimed that cargo flights with routes to export destinations managed to transport more than 25 tons one way.

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