Home » Business » Garra Xeneize with Tres Arroyos Donates Marrow in Blood Collection for National Donation Day

Garra Xeneize with Tres Arroyos Donates Marrow in Blood Collection for National Donation Day

Garra Xeneize with Tres Arroyos Donates Marrow in a new blood collection

This Tuesday, the Hemotherapy Service of the City Health Center will make a new blood collection with Tres Arroyos Dona Medula and the Peña Garra Xeneize, in memory of the National Bone Marrow Donation Day, which was celebrated on April 1, at the same time as the year the launch of the INCUCAI National Donation Register, which is why people between 18 and 65 years of age are invited to donate blood and register to save lives in a few minutes.

After registering at www.centrodesalud.com.ar, you will have the opportunity to make the donation, this Tuesday from 8 am to 11 am at the Centro Cultural La Estación, Av.
The president of the club, Guillermo Paniga, through LU 24, invited the community to participate. “We have very good prospects, many people have already signed up and for sure many more will come tomorrow,” he said.
Donating blood is a safe procedure as professionals are trained to take strict safety and hygiene measures. Sterile and disposable materials are used. The current situation requires the loyalty of healthy people who can donate blood because the country’s banks are suffering from a lack of this essential element for the preservation of life.

When you donate blood you must:
* Between 18 and 65 years of age,
* Weight more than 50 kilos,
• No history of heart, liver or infectious diseases
• Bring an identification document.

Before you can:
* Drink coffee, mate or sugar tea (without milk), eat fruit
* You should be well rested
* Wear comfortable clothes that are easy to roll up your sleeves

You will be issued with a certificate of employment.


2024-04-16 03:53:47
#Lu24.com.ar #Garra #Xeneize #Tres #Arroyos #Donates #Medula #blood #collection

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