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Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Bavaria): Clear bear tracks – hikers have to be careful

Clear traces in the snow: a brown bear is in Bavaria.

© dpa / LfU

These traces are clear: in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, prints of bear paws were found in the snow. There are now clear pointers to hikers.

  • It gives way Bruno another one brown Bears in Bavaria.
  • A companion left his mark on the snow.
  • The State Office for the Environment confirms the discovery.

Garmisch-Partenkirchen – It was quiet for a long time first brown bear in Bavaria since Bruno *, now he or one of his fellows has left new traces. Last weekend, a member of the “Large Prey Grab” network imprinted bear paws in the snow on Bavarian State Office for the Environment (LfU) reported. The tracks were sighted between Bavaria and Tyrol, as the authority announced on Monday. Last year there was multiple evidence of a brown bear in the area between Reutte in Tirol and the district of Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

Video: 8 months ago, a bear appeared after Bruno

Bavaria: brown bear in photo trap

In October the animal finally fell into a photo trap near Linderhof Palace *, This time, too, the traces according to information from the Munich Mercury are back in the Graswang Valley. According to the LfU, it is possible that all traces come from the same animal. It is not uncommon for bears to briefly interrupt their winter rest. The bear continues to behave shyly and inconspicuously.

A brown bear in the photo trap.

© Bavarian State Forests

Brown bear in Bavaria: hikers should pay attention to this

The LfU advises hikers not to leave any leftover food or garbage in nature. mm

*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Type in digital editorial network

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