The Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Garibashvili, said that the “Ukrainization” plan against Georgia – the plan to turn it into a second training ground – failed once again with our enemies.
“Nothing will happen without peace and stability in the country. The world is in a very difficult situation. There has not been such a challenge in Europe since the end of World War II. We are talking about what is happening in Ukraine, and we see that the war simply does not stop and more than 20% of the territory of Ukraine has been turned into a training ground and a destructive war is going on. Cities, villages, districts have been razed to the ground and there is no one to stop it,” – said the Prime Minister of Georgia before the meeting of the government on April 3.
He expressed his satisfaction that such a thing does not happen in Georgia today. According to the prime minister, the degraded, extremist-minded opposition does not want high economic growth, peace, stability in the country and is doing everything to sacrifice its own country and people’s security.
“Today, the government is at the top of its calling, stands firmly and strongly. We maintain peace, stability, high economic growth, and no one can stop us on this path. Here are our national interests, and these are the interests of our people, country, and, of course, in this struggle we will be uncompromising,” Garibashvili said.
He assured that the participants in the riots that took place in Georgia in early March will be punished.
“Of course, what happened is categorically unacceptable. All who are accused and exposed of attacking the police must be punished.” Garibashvili said.
Accused of attacking a policeman and damaging property at protests on March 7-9 Lazare Grigoriadis. According to the investigation, on March 7, Grigoriadis threw a Molotov cocktail twice, and on the night of March 9, he set fire to a car belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.